Hi Ron,

You wrote:

> ... but if you think that's the way to go...

Yes for most purposes, it is--I don't use any
screen readers but I suppose they indulge in
some version of "Hey this material is data set
in a table format to make the relationships
more clear." and follow with an effort to use
the table markup to help show the person who
needs that help what information is presented.

I imagine, **at best**, this would be annoying
if the screen reader tried to "explain" the
tabular relationships of your blocks of text,
columns, and graphic elements! At worst, it
could (but, keep in mind, I am not a lawyer)
make a governmental or business site vulnerable
to lawsuit or even a violation of law if it
should become a matter of user complaint.

That leaves us with CSS as the primary way to

> Actually, the W3C site has been, in fact,
>  one of the deterrents ...

I agree finding out how can be difficult. I
think you should try Googling CSS tutorials
and look through some that look helpful to
you where you are right now on this.

> ... but in order to accomplish that I also
> have *totally* re-learn practically every-
>thing I learned in the past.

Ultimately, yes, but you can start small.
Try a few things with a local-file version
of some of your material; I have my work
notes organized in an outline format with
a few photos floated right (major headings
do the clear). It sure beats the yellow-
approach; if the boss would let us use a DB
program, I'm sure it could be done as a
very messy database but this works fairly

> ... designing with CSS seems to be (or, at
> least, be becoming) more like learning a
> hard-core programming language ...

Yes I see the similarity, but at least it
doesn't involve nested if clauses LOL.

> ... but I would still aspire to actually
> *understanding* what exactly I'm doing ...

Understanding will come slowly given that
it is outside the purpose of this list,
but I think it will come.



Gene Falck

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