Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Jim Albert wrote:
>> It seems like the only way I can get table to be "clipped" properly  
>> and
>> scroll is to give a pixel length to the width of the DIV.
>> I thought I could use:
>> <DIV style="width: 100%; overflow: auto;">
>> and I was expecting that the table would fill the width of the browser
>> and then scroll horizontally when necessary. But what happens is the
>> table expands out to the size needed to display all the images in the
>> row of the table and in most cases causing the entire browser to  
>> gain a
>> horizontal scroll bar.
> That is what should happen, and happens in a couple of browsers I  
> happen to have open.
> Do you have a URL of a page showing the issue (in which browser) ? It  
> is _always_ more easy to discuss things with sample code.

In creating a very simple html page to demonstrate the problem, I 
realized that the width set at 100% does work correctly in my very small 

So, the issue must be with other html on the page where I am using the 
scrolling table.

If it looks like the issue I am experiencing involves CSS and is on 
topic for this maling list, I'll post more information. But right now 
I'm leading to something html related, maybe a table issue.

Thank you for confirming that the the scroll on a width of 100% does 
work the way I had expected.

Jim Albert

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