On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Bill Brown <macnim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Casey wrote:
>> <div>
>>  <div>...</div>
>>  <div>...</div>
>>  <div>...</div>
>> </div>
>> The inner <div>s are all float: left'd. However, when the contents of
>> the <div>s is too wide for the browser, the line of DIVs break. Is
>> there a way to prevent this, other than setting a fixed width for the
>> container <div>? (Yes, the alignment of the <div>s is crucial.)
> Presumably, you want your divs to act like the cells of a table. In that
> case, something like this might work for you:
> CSS:
> ~~~
> .table-row-ish
> {
>  white-space:nowrap;
> }
> .table-row-ish div
> {
>  display: inline-block;
>  display: inline !ie;
>  zoom:    1      !ie;
> }
> ~~~
> ~~~
> <div class='table-row-ish'>
>  <div>...</div>
>  <div>...</div>
>  <div>...</div>
>  <div>...</div>
>  <div>...</div>
> </div>
> ~~~
> Hope it helps.
> --Bill

Thanks! That works fairly well. I'm curious, what do "!ie" and the
zoom property do?) It works perfectly in Firefox, but in IE and
Safari, there's some quirk involving vertical alignment.

 - Casey
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