Ib Jensen wrote:
> Hi
> Link:  http://ikjensen.dk
> Tested locally in FF 3.0.10 - IE 6/78 (IETester 0.3.3)
> Locally known issues:
> IE6 dont show my link-"icons"
> IE7 - 8 behave rather ok. As FF3.
> At 190% Page- or Text-zoom?:
> IE6: Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
> The template _are_ not made for IE6!
> IE7:
> Page got a horizontal scroll-bar, and continues out of the viewport.
> IE8:
> Page continues out of the viewport, but no horizontal scroll-bar.

I like sort of have no wild and bad issues with your site (other than 
trying to find relevant selectors, in that CSS maze, ain't easy).

Dunno, but it may be IE/6 is not honoring the advanced selector for the 
missing icons-- but does it really matter? Of more importance (?),  may 
be that neither of the more important content images in the right 
column, reside in their respective containers in IE/6. .

And, if push came shove, I'd consider setting a fixed width of 990px on 
the page outermost wrapper for IE/6.0 (only). This will prevent the 
float drop in narrow windows, in IE/6.  And, it will resolve that IE/6 
does not support min/max width.

I do not know, as well, why you need be particularly concerned with the 
"zoom" toy in IE. Unless you are willing to start from scratch with a 
different layout concept, it may be beneficial to accept IE's "zoom toy" 
for what it is: *page "zoom." *

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