Lorraine Barte Nepomuceno wrote:
> Hi guys,
> So far, I've tested this layout in Mac Firefox & Safari, and Windows Firefox
> & IE8. I'd love any feedback you might have- especially viewed in other
> browsers and resolutions.
> http://www.splashscreen.com/sample/sample.html
> Thanks very much,
> Lorraine

Right column float drop at 800 in all compliant browsers.
Right column float drop at 640 in all compliant browsers; and, 
left-column nowhere to be found.
All browsers render the "rivers"-- they are more pronounced with 
font-scaling, making the text unreadable.
Left column crossing over the center column in IE/7.
The columns are rail to rail in IE/6; the left column is "touchy" 
sometimes dropping on a drag in the 1680 to 1280 range; left column 
crosses over center column at 640.

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