On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 07:21:27AM -0700, Glow wrote:
> one thing I wonder
> about long-term with fluid layouts and increasing screen size is how
> to scale content when you've got someone using a gigantic monitor (can
> you visualize one-line articles stretching across three feet of screen
> real estate?)

That is, IMO, an issue for the user to decide.  If the user chooses to
have a three-foot-wide browser open, then he's also choosing to have
three feet of content.  Given that you or I don't know how far away from
that display he'll be sitting, we're in no position to second-guess
whether that's an appropriate choice for him to have made or not.

If this user is sitting close to his screen and doesn't want to be
turning his head back and forth to take in three feet of horizontal
space, then he also has the option of using a smaller browser window to
constrain the content to a more usable width.

Dave Sherohman
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