Brian Curran wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm a beginner at web design, so.... What I'd like to do on one web page is 
> to display a portfolio of pictures of buildings. I envision: On the left hand 
> side of the page to have a list of building addresses, with each address 
> followed by a list of numbers 1,2,3, and etc. Then the whole right hand side 
> of the page will be for an image. My goal is for the user to click a number 
> on the left side of the page, and then see a corresponding image appear on 
> the right side of the page. I understand allot of people use this technique 
> with thumbnails, but I don't have the room on the page for thumbnails, plus I 
> like the number concept.
> best,
> brian

Hello Brian,

What you are seeking is not currently possible with CSS. The clocking of 
an element can reveal a hidden (removed from the flow) child element but 
once this child element is revealed, no selecting of another element can 
hide it again. This may be possible in CSS3 and with browser support of 
parent selectors as opposed to child selectors.

At this present time only Opera 9+, Safari 4 and I think Firefox 3 
(Gecko 1.9) will reveal any hidden child elements. Here is a demo 
somewhat similar to your request but with child list.


IE8 in all it greatness with CSS2.1 will not play along with this demo.


Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo
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