Theresa Mesa wrote:
> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:00 AM, Lalena wrote:
>> Is computer-screen resolution still 72 dpi? Or do some of these 
>> newfangled monitors have a higher resolution?

In addition to the very useful table supplied by Felix, I'd also note
that the nominal DPI can be changed in the operating system. Most
Windows and Mac boxes come set to 96 DPI these days. But note that Unix
boxes, and my hi-def IBM laptop, come with higher DPI settings quite
frequently. You can, of course, change this if you wish.

As far as CSS is concerned, note that IE and Opera compensate for the 
smaller dot size by increasing "medium" text. On my 120DPI IBM "medium" 
is increased from 16px to 20px.

This does not apply to fonts defined as pixels though. Which is why text 
size defined as 13px may look fine on your monitor, but impossibly small 
on my laptop.

FWIW - I still set image DPI to 72, for reasons already explained far
more clearly than I am able.

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