On 2009/08/10 14:23 (GMT-0700) Michael Stevens composed:

> The user's feelings on a particular size doesn't really matter... The
> question was "Is computer-screen resolution still 72 dpi?" The real answer
> is a monitor's resolution is not measured in DPI but PIXELS x PIXELS. And,
> it's really not something we can design for, either. We can provide
> different pages and style sheets based on the resolution in use but we have
> no way of knowing the physical size of a user's monitor and therefore we
> can't determine the user's monitor's DPI. Yes, it's something that affects
> the display of our pages but, to me, not something worth worrying about.

> Again, while the physical size may be important to some it's not really the
> issue as I see it.

If accessibility and usability of a CSS-styled web page design matter, then
the size of web page objects is a matter of quite some significance.

> We are both really talking about different subjects. You're concerned with
> an image's real-world size which is something we can not control. I'm only
> concerned with a monitor's resolution because it's the only thing I can
> determine and code for. 800x600 pixels will always be 800x600 pixels no

If resolution matters to a designer, it is only because he chooses for it to
matter to him. Resolution without more means absolutely nothing regarding
physical size. It's like saying $1,000,000 is a lot of money without giving
that $1,000,000 a context. To a wage earner making $10 per hour it's more
than a lifetime of income, a very lot of money. In a Federal US budget of
trillions, $1,000,000 is virtually nothing.

It's only when given context, a screen size, that resolution can become a
physical size, and the derived measure that is commonly used is referred to
as DPI. Knowing the DPI means knowing the physical size of a px.

> matter what monitor it is displayed on. However, 800x600 pixels can be shown
> as different sizes depending on the physical size of the monitor and the
> resolution it is running. DPI is anything from 20 dpi on up depending on the
> physical size of the user's monitor.

Rather than fussing over what the resolution or DPI actually are, it's
simpler to dispense with the question and use the em unit for sizing, as the
em bears a far more adaptable and predictable relationship to accessible and
usable sizes than any other sizing unit available in CSS. In CSS styling,
resolution need not, and should not, matter at all.
How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose
understanding rather than silver. Proverbs 16:16 NKJV

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