David Laakso wrote:
> G.Sørtun wrote:
>> David Laakso wrote:
>>>  I could, and probably will, do this for IE/6: 3. display: none;
>> May I recommend:  4. "clean sheet for IE6"...
>> <http://www.gunlaug.no/contents/wd_additions_50.html>
>> ...so as not to discriminate users of such an old browser.
>> regards
>>    Georg
> html
> <http://chelseacreekstudio.com/dl/>
> css
> <http://chelseacreekstudio.com/dl/css/>
> 1/ IE/6 has a, more or less, "clean-sheet."
> 2/ Stumped in IE/7.
> Compliant browsers get it right -- the fuchsia and green blocks should 
> touch. IE/7 puts a vertical space between them. What to do?
> The relevant selectors are: 
> #aside (fuchsia border)
> ul#footer (lime border)

Hello David,

That bug is still present. Four clicks this time.


BTW, what is IE7 not doing right? Maybe using the original demo may help 
IE7 along but with minimum style for IE6 and a nice big sticker saying.

"This code is to cool for IE6" ;-)

Alan http://css-class.com/

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