MEM wrote:
> So a simple math problem? 
> Left-column + right-column + respective margins bigger then container, then,
> drop?

I guess so. The IE/6 box-model is known to have issue with width: you 
can't cram 5 pounds of apples in a 3 pound bag.

> Why overflow: hidden; ? 

To enclose the floats. To establish a block. To clear. Sometimes hidden 
is used with compliant browsers and IE/6 is fed visible. Either way, you 
may have been correct in not using it in this particular situation. My 
approach is holistic. We'll both need to rely among those of a linear 
mind-set for an exact, scientific  explanation of some matters...

> Final result:
> Please advice:
> On IE 6 and IE 7, the footer is 1 or 2 to the right and overlaps the below
> content.
> I have seen two solutions:
> Apply clear:both; on the footer. It's there.
> Take out, structurally, the footer from the wrapper. (I preferred to not do
> this).
> Any other suggestions?

Not sure about the width issue. Have you tried feeding IE/6.0 an 
explicit width?
And I think you mean the content /above/ the footer is clipped?
Try this for that.
The parent of the box that touches the footer in IE/6 and is clipped in 
IE/7 is #content.

 *:first-child+html #content {padding-bottom: 10px;overflow: hidden;}
* html #content {padding-bottom: 10px;}

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