Can we please bottom post or comment inline (like below).

Theresa Mesa wrote:

> How is it inefficient to add html {height: 100.1%} to your CSS, which 
> immediately applies this to all pages without so much as a how-do-you-do 
> (since you are using an external style sheet)? To me, if you like the 
> aesthetics of not having the nav jump back and forth horizontally, it seems 
> like the *most* efficient way of doing it. Either the scrollbar is there, or 
> it's not. If you are centering your page, you are going to have the problem. 
> You don't notice the scroll bar over there on the side unless the height of 
> the content makes scrolling necessary. Otherwise, you don't pay attention to 
> it.

Very true. The problems with these two pages.



is one, the very wide header image and two, the wish to have something 
centered. I would recommend to Matthew that he has the menu beginning 
from the left and remove all of this.

#menu, #menu a {
#menu {
border-bottom: 0;
float: left;
margin-top: 40px; /* added to push it well below the header */
padding-bottom: 0;
#menu a {
#menu a a {
right: 0;

> Now you could spend hours (since you are a professed n00b) trying to 
> absolutely position the nav

Theresa, wrong Matthew.

> Either that, or don't try to center the page in the browser window. Let it be 
> flush left. Then it's a non-issue.

Precisely. It is easy to center a navigation if there are only so many 

> Theresa


Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo
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