On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:26 AM, Keith Purtell <
keithpurt...@keithpurtell.com> wrote:

> Finally, I need the images to indent 140 pixels like the text. Easy?

Not trying to assume, but based on your link, it looks like you may be
wanting ALL content in the cream colored area to be 140px from the left,
thus reserving the brown column for other stuff.  In this case, rather than
putting margins or padding on each and every element type that might show up
in that content area (paragraphs, images, lists, etc. ) I think a more
streamlined approach would be to put a wrapper div around all that content
and use a margin-left: 140px; to shift that whole div over.  Then everything
inside that div comes along for the ride.

<div id="mainContent">

<img src="something.jpg" class="floatL" />
<p>paragraph of interesting stuff</p>
<p>paragraph of interesting stuff</p>
<p>paragraph of interesting stuff</p>
more content of various types

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