On Aug 19, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Alan Gresley wrote:

> I should remind myself. Floating an element causes it to display as a 
> block. Also width and margin values are used.
> Lucky me, I didn't need Philippe to remind me this time.

he's hibernating under canicular temperatures and overflowing rivers... and 
forgot everything.

On Aug 19, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Tim Arnold wrote:

> Actually "display: block;" is not necessary for images to correctly have
> width, margin and padding applied to them.

Or any floated block, for the matter. Floats are always 'display: block' 
(except when they are not, but that is rather a lone case - table). So sez 
Alan, above. And the CSS 2.1 spec

And btw, width, height, margin, padding always apply to images (inline replaced 
elements). Padding and margin may not affect the layout – (in-)line boxes or 
block boxes level. But it is there nonetheless.

</back to summer hibernation>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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