Hi Philippe,

> No, not really. The spec is about both.
>  Unless the root element has a background, the background is propagated
> to the viewport. If no background-repeat is specified, the image will
> then be painted all over the space/canvas. If background-repeat is
> specified (no-repeat), the space created by <body> (it's computed
> height) will be used for background-position - the root element is not
> taller than the body element, unless a height on the root element is
> specified.
> see 4th paragraph under 'The background':
> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/colors.html#background

This part below makes a lot of sense regarding how browsers paint a
positioned background when there is no background for <html>.  

> If background-repeat is specified (no-repeat), the space created by <body>
(it's computed
> height) will be used for background-position

But are you quoting the spec? Because I can't find the above in that section
I can't find any mention of "background-repeat" in these 4 paragraphs.
Actually, what I find in there is kind of confusing (may be *you* should
write the spec ;)

"Such backgrounds must also be anchored at the same point as they would be
if they were painted only for the root element."

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