On Thursday, April 7, 2011, 9:42:17 PM, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

> I don't know how you've produced that rotated panel,
> Chris, but it doesn't render well here : ...

I had a look myself in Firefox 4 under Win XP Pro, and that rotated
panel didn't work well. The text was way too pixellated (blocky). So I
had another look in Firefox 3.6 under Ubuntu 10.10 and it's a
completely different story. That blocky text renders about as good as
it could and the page looks like I suspect Chris intended.

This shows the importance of testing in as many browsers as you can.
FWIW, I use virtualisation and a raft of operating system and browser
combinations. However, I haven't got Windows 7 or Mac OS-X available
to me, it's a pain maintaining an old Win 98 VM just to use IE 5,
and even with all the combinations I have available, it only includes
one (old) version of Konqueror.

So, how does everyone else manage their testing? Do sites exist that
let you simulate your work's appearance in just about every browser
you're likely to meet?



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