I am unable to test functional behavior cross browser because I have to rely on 
browser shot services to do my testing. I would greatly appreciate it, if a 
number of you would take a look at this site http://e7flux.com/dfd/ and hover 
on the word "About" in the nav.  It has a drop down sub menu and should look 
like this screen shot: http://e7flux.com/dfd/dfd-ss.png across all browsers. I 
am especially interested in knowing if everything is fine in IE7.

In IE7-WinXP, once the drop down menu appears it stays visible even after 
moving the mouse outside.
Using VirtualBox (www.virtualbox.org) and Microsoft's IE VPC images, one can 
easily test IE compatibility in Windows, Linux or Mac OS.

Hmm no one else mentioned that. Any suggestions on how to fix that issue? And 
do I have to download the different versions of IE to the virtualbox software 
once I installed it. Or doe it come pre-installed with the software?

Elli Vizcaino
Web Designer & Developer
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