>>>>  In IE7 the dropdown hangs (stays open) if mouse-pointer is moved

>>>>  anyway
>>>>  but straight upwards, and as the image...
>>>>  <http://www.gunlaug.no/tos/alien/ev/ev-ie7.png> ...shows the
>>>>  list-items in the dropdown don't line up properly in IE7.
>>>>  regards Georg
>>>  IE7 needs a kick along as the current CSS stands to align the menu
>>>  items correctly.
>>>  *:first-child+html #main-nav li ul#sub-nav li { float: none; }
>>>  *:first-child+html #main-nav LI UL#sub-nav A { display:
>>>  inline-block; }
>>  Alan, this sounds like alot of extra code and is this a hack?
> It sure is. The reason that you see this,
> kenzi's kids Board
>               of
>               directors
> in the screenshot by Gorge for IE7 is because the list items are floating.
>>  Shouldn't #main-nav li ul#sub-nav li {float: none;} suffice? I added
>>  float none to the rule.
> Not if you wanted it to appear the same as it was before. This has 
> changed the appearance in all browsers. Now the dotted underline spans 
> the full width of the list items when you hover. That why I added 
> inline-block for IE7 on the links 'a' since the causes the dotted 
> underline only to appear only under the anchor links. inline-block 
> causes the anchor links to shrink wrap the text.
>>  Can you be so kind and check it to see if
>>  that does it. I just don't believe in adding extra code if not really
>>  necessary.
>>  Thanks! Elli Vizcaino
> This is how it appears in IE7 and all other browsers.
> http://css-class.com/x/ie7-elli.png
Thanks Alan, I have now added display: inline to my  #main-nav li ul#sub-nav li 
a declaration. Now someone else on the list suggested display: inline would 
that have worked just as well?

Also was your "It sure is" reply an answer to both questions I had about a lot 
of code and hack?

Now what about this hang issue I got feedback about as well. Apparently the sub 
menu stays open and doesn't close when one moves the pointer away. Could this 
be solved by specifying a width on the sub menu's UL?


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