On 12/09/2011 11:25 PM, Elli Vizcaino wrote:
In IE7 the dropdown hangs (stays open) if mouse-pointer is moved

but straight upwards, and as the image...
<http://www.gunlaug.no/tos/alien/ev/ev-ie7.png> ...shows the
list-items in the dropdown don't line up properly in IE7.

regards Georg

IE7 needs a kick along as the current CSS stands to align the menu
items correctly.

*:first-child+html #main-nav li ul#sub-nav li { float: none; }

*:first-child+html #main-nav LI UL#sub-nav A { display:
inline-block; }

Alan, this sounds like alot of extra code and is this a hack?

It sure is. The reason that you see this,

kenzi's kids Board

in the screenshot by Gorge for IE7 is because the list items are floating.

Shouldn't #main-nav li ul#sub-nav li {float: none;} suffice? I added
float none to the rule.

Not if you wanted it to appear the same as it was before. This has changed the appearance in all browsers. Now the dotted underline spans the full width of the list items when you hover. That why I added inline-block for IE7 on the links 'a' since the causes the dotted underline only to appear only under the anchor links. inline-block causes the anchor links to shrink wrap the text.

Can you be so kind and check it to see if
that does it. I just don't believe in adding extra code if not really

Thanks! Elli Vizcaino

This is how it appears in IE7 and all other browsers.


Alan Gresley
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