On 2013-01-19 14:49 (GMT-0500) Eric composed:

On 2013-01-14 17:00 (GMT-0500) Felix Miata composed:

users with competent UAs can avoid the need to apply zoom to restore some
legibility, at least potentially, via a user stylesheet containing the
That simplicity could easily be expanded to include much more:
       {font: medium/normal sans-serif !important}

Why in the world would you force your visitors to see only the default
sans-serif font?

Context!!! Here, no visitors are involved. Since most commonly specified serif fonts have a smaller apparent size than common "same size" sans fonts, the effect is some stabilization of apparent size, and less need to diddle with zoom keys to avoid eyestrain.

The result though can be a big mess of overlapping and/or hidden content if
container sizing is also done in px.

To be honest I'm not sure what you mean by this. When exactly does setting an
element's size in pixels result in what you describe? I really am curious.

Again, context matters. A user stylesheet that only addresses text sizes in the context of site styles sizing containers and positions in px instead of (r)em or % commonly causes overflows that result in hidden and/or overlapping content.

You might want to check the links on some of your pages...many are dead.

Examples please. I only fix broken ones I know about.

most of the pages you classify as "friendly"
(in terms of font-size) are using font sizes equal to and in some cases less
than the pages that are listed as 'unfriendly'.

Context and examples please.

Exemplars must be what they must be whether legible or friendly or not.

Interestingly the Nielsen Norman Group page you link to that's titled "Let Users
Control Font Size" sets font-size explicitly
to 14px, not 'medium', not 'large'...but in pixels.

I have no links to nngroup.com pages. Maybe Jakob Nielsen died? Did you notice that page's URL on my site (useit.com) gets redirected to nngroup.com? I just checked, and all useit.com links on my site are redirected to nngroup.com. Apparently whoever is responsible for nngroup.com styling is unfamiliar with or otherwise unable to reconcile the styling with the content of the redirected useit.com pages.

http://web.archive.org/web/20120812200643/http://www.useit.com/alertbox/designmistakes.html is the web archive of my link. If nngroup.com doesn't update its styling to conform to its content in a reasonable time, I'll need to change my useit.com links to come from web.archive.org.

I would love to discuss the "tyranny of the minority" that Mr. Nielsen and his
cohorts represent

Again, context is absent. Where are you quoting from here?
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/
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