2013-06-27 9:52, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

HTML is the highest level where (some) properties will have an effect that 
matter for inheritance.

The <html> element is the root element, so it cannot inherit anything. Its properties may be inherited by its children.

Consider this snippet:

html { /* nothing set here, just the initial values set by the UA */}
body { font: .8em/1.5 sans-serif; }

Whenever you use the em unit or the % unit on font-size, you need to take into consideration that it is relative to the parent font size. This has nothing to do with inheritance. Here you *prevent* <body> from inheriting font size from its parent, <html>.

Anyway, I don’t see why this would imply any need for setting anything on the <html> element.

article > p { font-size: 1rem; }

Well, the rem unit is special, because it is defined as the root element font size. I see no reason to use it (it still has limited browser support, and you can use the em unit instead - with due consideration of cumulative effects), but if you do, then it gives you the browser default. If that’s not what you want, you can set font-size on <html>.

So this could be a case for setting something on <html> beyond margin and padding – but only when you wish to use the rem unit *and* you want to override the browser’s default font size.


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