2013-06-27 16:01, Tom Livingston wrote:

Whenever you use the em unit or the % unit on font-size, you need to take
into consideration that it is relative to the parent font size. This has
nothing to do with inheritance. Here you *prevent* <body> from inheriting
font size from its parent, <html>.

No snark here. Tell me what I am missing where 'preventing <body> from
inheriting font size from <html>' is a problem?

It could be a problem in some cases, but this wasn't the point here. The point was that setting body { font: .8em/1.5 sans-serif; } prevents inheritance, instead of being an example of inheritance.

What would the benefit
be? I see nothing to gain.

Benefit of what? You may wish to let the browser default font size apply to <body>, or you may wish to set <body> font size relative to the browser default font size, or you may wish to set it in physical units. I don't see any reason to set anything for <html> in any of these cases. Very theoretically, in the first two approaches, you might wish to set html { font-size: 100% } to guard against other style sheets setting font-size on <html>


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