Al Sparber schreef op 09-05-15 om 18:30:
On 5/9/2015 7:25 AM, Erik Visser wrote:
Bootstrap ( was brought to my attention.

Is this a good bas/general approach?
What are your thoughts on and experiences with bootstrap.

Or is there another / better / simpeler / leaner / cleaner approach ?

In my opinion--yes. CSS is very logical and easy to learn. Learn CSS and your site(s) will be far more efficient, and future-proof.

Hi Al,

Thanks for your thoughts. Can you explain what are the specific cons of using bootstrap?

It has been a while since i was working on a regular basis on websites. But I'am quite familiar with css and html/php/and more.

Point is that at this stage i don't have an overview of which items need to be taken care of when developing "a responsive website". Were "a responsive website" stands for: a website that fits "all viewport sizes". Where "all viewport sizes" might be best defined as "all major/most used viewport sizes". From smaller mobile devices to bigger screens.

I guess that issues that need to be taken care of contain: menu positions and menu-types, viewport size, rearranging text and lay-out, resizing (background) images, ...(more)...? All these issues depend on and/or are related to actual viewport-size of the screen that is used.

Since i don't have the overview of these issues that should be taken care of, I thought it might be handy (more practical) to take a ready to use base/template which already addresses all these issues, and learn about these issues from there.

Were i guess this base/template is the result of (lots of) webdevelopers that are (or have been) busy converting sites mainly designed for large screens to websites that are more mobile friendly (multi viewport sizes). This must have been done already so often that there might be some good roadmaps and maybe light-weight frameworks/templates including the most nescessary elements to achieve a responsive website.

But i'am also glad if you have some good articles or a series of articles that breaks down the task of building a responsive website into a series of issues that need to be taken care of. Where this could be seen as succeeding steps of the issues to address, also a kind of roadmap.

Thanks, Erik
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