On 5/9/2015 5:15 PM, de...@littlegent.com wrote:
"But i'am also glad if you have some good articles or a series of
articles that breaks down the task of building a responsive website
into a series of issues that need to be taken care of. Where this
could be seen as succeeding steps of the issues to address, also a
kind of roadmap."

You're aware of the Google tool, right?

It will tell you your navigation links are too close, screen viewport
not set and other things that are 'problems' by Google's standards.
It also tells you what to do to fix them.

The Google tools are crazy. If you do not pass the mobile-friendly test, then it will tell you of a whole plethora of things you might want to fix (few of which are actually important). If you pass the test, it simply congratulates you. The punchline here is that passing the test simply involves having a viewport meta tag and that your page scales to fit inside a smartphone viewport. That's it. Pass that and you get no further info.

The entire implementation is not what it seems, although the mobile-friendly test is valuable as a snapshot of your your page in a phone. And that is all it really is.

Al Sparber - PVII
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