-Caveat Lector-

 [CTRL] At 08:19 AM 12-10-98 -0500, Jim wrote:
 > If knowledge of conspiracy is not needed to be a part of it,
 > does anyone involved need to know about it?  Could we have
 > some kind of monstrous unconscious conspiracy striking at us?
 > Creatures of the Id straight from Forbidden Planet?

 How about Creatures from 'Mystery Babylon' -- the Nephilim,
 the Watchers, the Anunnaki, or the Titans; or Creatures
 from Agharta, or Shamballah.  Or, the astral- vampires of
 Lord Ahriman.  They needn't exist entirely within our
 earthly, temporal or corporeal (mortal) realms.

       " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
        against principalities, against powers, against
        the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
        spiritual wickedness in high places. "  --Eph6:12

 > No.. I'm fairly sure that You are looking for a secret society of
 > incredibly powerful white men who magically get along together
 > perfectly and control everything (probably all descended from
 > Merovingians).

 Colorless "men who magically get along together perfectly and
 control everything" - implies what ?  What is the nature of this
 magical conspiracy ?

 If you're suggesting a bloodline descending from the super-human
 Anunnaki race (per Sumerian mythology), aka: the Serpent race
 (per Jewish mythology) -- what gives (only) this bloodline a
 magical ability to work together, generation after generation ?

 Are they merely slaves to a super-human power entity ?  Are
 they walk-ins ?  Are they Borgs, with a hive mentality, and a
 group soul imperative ?   Are they subject to a master entity
 which employs lesser gods to attract, confuse, and instigate
 wars among Earth's races and religions in a divide and conquer,
 breeding and feeding strategy ?

 > I simply can't imagine that a group -(please tell me.. how many
 > are we talking here?  A dozen?  A hundred?  A thousand?
 > How many are 'in the know'?)- of powerful men like that could
 > tolerate each other for long at all.  But hey, I could be wrong.

 Who knows how many there are, or if 'they' are confined to bodies,
 only one per body.  Who knows if they are fully aware that 'they'
 are 'them'.  Does anyone use all their brain cells, and is the
 controlling mind confined to one brain, or any brain ?

 "Powerful men" all seem to belong to secret societies, many of
 which are known, or rumored, to practice secret rites which
 progress as the initiate advances to more exclusive levels.

 Do some 'insiders' practice secret rites of surrender to
 empowerment by 'magical gnowledge' of dominion, wealth and
 ecstasy, balanced by visions of eternal torment, insufferable
 pain and insanity threatening, should they fail thereafter to
 surrender their will and soul, and participate 'voluntarily' ?
 Is this why there are no defectors or ex-members surviving,
 to spill the beans ?  Does demonic possession actually exist ?

 Does confinement in a body render one of 'them' quasi-conscious,
 and able to be only a satrap of the master entity that has actual
 control -- while turning the willing victim into an 'overshadowed'
 ruler of human sheep, who he then sacrifices to his god ?

 Hitler was under such possession, and controlled Germany through
 the powers he channeled.  But Hitler was conspicuous.  How many
 other demonically- possessed men rule offices of nations, armies,
 corporations, institutions, (or mafias) and entertainment stages
 today, although in a more 'acceptable' or hidden fashion ?

 Is 'the Conspiracy' an ancient, and mentally ill priesthood of
 perdition, the soul slaves of the 'old ones', aka: the soul
 harvester gods ?

 Is this why the Book of Enoch and the various Gnostic gospels
 were banned or burned, to ensure that people would remain
 ignorant, manageable cattle, and tasty snacks ?

 Was 'science' established as the basis of modern civilization
 because it is incapable of observing and quantifying souls ?
 Who would benefit ?

 If you could observe souls, would you see demons in possession
 of some otherwise 'normal' humans ?  Would you see that some
 people were 'soul castrated', virtual humans running around
 with their karmas cut off ?   Is this why science must rule -
 to keep the cattle contented, while the demon gods feast ?

 Naw, lets see what's on the news.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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