-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Thanks, but I would wonder about ole Ronnie. Have you read Moldea's Dark
>Victory and/or Freed's Secret Life of Ronald Reagan?  What would a 'B'  do to
>play 'AAA'?

Exactly.  Reagan is probably WORSE, since he was so good at hiding it
behind his teflon veneer...

Which gives me an opening for once more 'trolling' a nagging question
regarding Ronnie and his politics (and with apologies to those on the
list who've read this from me before)...

But shortly after Reagan won the election in 1980, I read an article in a
mainstream magazine (I believe it was something like Parade), where the
actress June Allyson discussed her life...it wasn't a particularly
political interview, but there WERE a few interesting paragraphs in the
middle of the article where she mentioned the relationship/friendship she
and her then husband, Dick Powell, had with the Reagans in the late 40s,
early 50s...

Ronald Reagan was president of the actor's union at the time, and
professed a political philosophy that was extremely left of center...
while Powell's politics were extremely 'rightwing'...

So it seems strange that two men with such ostensibly divergent views
would not only be friends, but would come over to each others' houses at
least once a week for dinner...but this is the scenario Ms. Allyson

And she said that Dick and Ron would often get into heated political
arguments...Allyson presented herself as being 'apolitical' and not
getting into these arguments herself, and claims not to remember the
exact arguments, only that they'd always disagree, and heatedly so...

But according to her, one night at one of these dinners, when Dick and
Ron were beginning to get into one of these arguments, Dick took Ron
alone into the Powell's library and closed (and locked?  how would
Allyson have known it was locked?) the doors...and according to Allyson,
it got very quiet in there, and after about 20 minutes they both came
out...at which time, Ron's political philosophy had taken a 180 degree
turn, and he was now as 'rightwing' as Dick Powell...

Allyson recounted this incident as the 'defining' moment when Ronald
Reagan went from being liberal to conservative, and gave her ex-husband
the credit for 'bringing Ron around'...

As I said, the article wasn't particularly about Reagan nor even
political, and after recounting the above, the article went into other
matters...but it always stuck with me, wondering just WHAT Powell said
and/or did behind those closed doors that was able to turn Reagan from a
liberal to a conservative in 20 minutes, after months of weekly heated
arguments had failed...

And so I ask the list membership the question I always ask when I've
recounted this -- does anyone remember this article, or hearing this
story elsewhere?  And more importantly, does anyone have a clue as to
what Powell said or did to Reagan during those 20 minutes?

I personally don't have a clue, but when I read that article it gave me
the creeps...I mean, if someone's ideals can be so easily turned in only
20 minutes, it implies either a weak (or non-existent) mind/ego, and
possibly a mind-control scenario of the Manchurian Candidate type...


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