-Caveat Lector-

>> The naiveté and simple mindedness of the above is disheartening.

I cannot accurately respond to an accusation of "naiveté and simple
mindedness" with logic and facts because such an accusation is a very
subjective thing. Such an accusation is base entirely on the accusers
view, and therefore cannot be objective. But let's assume for a moment
that such an accusation is true, and I am in fact "naive and simple
minded". As a result, if my comments are "naive and simple minded", then
yours must be labeled equally close-minded and arrogant.

It is close-minded and arrogant to base an evaluation of every situation
facing our nation on a single rule of experience, especially when that
situation results in the US using military force. If everyone employed
such a rule, then the WWII lesson to ending an international crisis
would be to just drop a couple of nukes and then invade.

I am not of the Vietnam generation, and as a result I have the luxury of
looking at that conflict as a historical lesson rather than a personal
experience. I agree that Vietnam was a poorly conceptualized, poorly
executed, and poorly finished military campaign that had dubious origins
to begin with. I also know that our experience in Vietnam generally
ensures that we will not make a mistake like it for a long time to come.
That is why I find it to be so close-minded and arrogant that someone of
that era would automatically assume that, just because a current
conflict is not totally popular or is difficult, it will automatically
be 'like Vietnam'.

I can understand that you are disheartened if you truly have this view.
It must be disheartening to think that your entire government and
military is populated with people like me.

>> It is incomphrehensible that any rational person could actually
believe that
>> broken down, 4th rate disintegrating sand dune AKA Iraq could ever be
a threat
>> to the awesome might of the US. Anyone so clueless and ill informed
to actually
>> believe we invaded Iraq because of WMD should be barred for life from
any voting
>> booth.

So, basically anyone who disagrees with you should be barred for
participating in the democratic process?
The problem is that I do disagree. I have been there and have served,
and I still disagree. What makes your point of view more enlightened?

>> Anyone who truly believes the Iraq Misadventure will somehow free us
from our
>> never ending immense worldwide commitment of 100's of BBBillions and
>> of soldiers is too lacking in judgment to be permitted to cross the
>> unescorted.

I never said that it would free us from our commitment. I said it will
free us from the commitment of maintaining UN commitments that were
failing and were never designed to succeed. I also believe it freed us
to act as we see fit, rather than waiting for the inevitably slow
mechanizations of a world community that will never agree on how to
handle major problems that affect the world before they become so
overwhelming that someone must act (cite NATO and Kosovo).

>> We have lost many more killed and wounded in the Iraq Debacle then at
this stage
>> of the Viet Nam War.

Compared to what stage? We waged a twelve year long containment campaign
without a single combat casualty caused by the Iraqis. Vietnam suffered
an average of 15 KIAs per day during the combat proper from 1965-1973.
The combat proper for Iraq (I will be generous and include both before
and after major combat actions) is right around 2 per day. It will take
us 80 years to equal the combat deaths in Vietnam. If we are still in
Iraq 80 years from now, then I will be forced to agree with you.

>> The D.C. Armchair Commandos will abandon Iraq because the American
people will
>> not trade their monthly social security checks for a twisted
>> internationalist neo-con pipe dream.

How is that reality any better than the one you insinuate? Instead of
acting on conscience, we will stand by and watch our position as one of
the world's most powerful nations be eroded by our unwillingness to act
decisively in a time of crisis? Beside the fact that, if Washington was
really running Iraq, it really would be the debacle you envision. Thank
God it is not.

>> I spent hard time in Viet Nam as an officer and rarely a gentlemen. I
>> thought at least we would learn hard lessons from that wasted, tragic
event and
>> never again permit our country to go war under false pretenses.

Fortunately, for this generation, you did serve. For that, you have my
gratitude. You also have my assurance, whatever you may think, that the
disaster you envision has not, is not, and will not happen in this
generation of military service.

I can make this assurance with good conscience because the military I
serve in is nothing like the one you were forced to endure. We are an
all-volunteer military force. Every member is here because he or she
wants to be. Most of us are dedicated to our mission and would go into
harms way at a moments notice to defend and protect our nation and its
interests. We are the best equipped and best trained fighting force the
world has ever known. We have the knowledge and the ability to handle
whatever situation we are faced with. It is a tragedy that some of us
must die to defend our nation and its interests, but it is a tragedy we
are willing to bear.

If you question the intelligence, loyalty, integrity, and patriotism of
these fine men and women, that is your right, a right we serve to
defend, but I assure you that you are sadly mistaken about a lot more
than you realize.

Dennis L Hitzeman

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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