-Caveat Lector-

SCIO-LTD wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> As a technology professional with over tens years Internet experience, I can
> testify to William Hugh Tunstall comments.   The subsidies are often
> indirect through the granting of  minor or major monopolies, (for a good
> example see the history of AT&T, and the monopoly they had for well over a
> half a century).    The government often has a dual use/dual purpose agenda
> in these areas, with strong linkages between industry, academia, and
> government.
> Capitalism does not thrive on competition, on the contrary the false
> Darwinian construct of competition seeks to explain market forces, price
> patterns as the justification of arcane economic mechanism is simply
> derived non-sense.

Yes indeed. But there is a problem here. Without competition to
greed, the system is sold under false pretenses.
Adam Smith who made the case that with
competition the system benefits all, and, without competition we are
simply destined for some form of slavery. Smith made clear that
competition the system is merely an oinkfest for oinkers and wanabe
oinkers. He didn't much like businessmen. He saw them as greedy,
conspiratorial, and obsessed with money. Some things never change.

As for invisible hands, they are about as real as virgin births, and
horses flying up to heaven.
> Capitalism seeks to aggregate resources, and to wipe out threats to
> expanding growth of competitors or monopolize energy, whether it be in the
> form of money, information, food, fuel, or other raw material.

Or, put another way, capitalists are driven to accumulate wealth. In a
system designed by capitalists to assure that wealth is the best
for accumulating even more wealth, the outcome is always political,
economic, and societal domination by the rich.

> However
> monopolistic forces wipeout innovation because there is no incentive.
> Does this make capitalism bad?  No,

No??? Why no? Does this make capitalism good?

> just its false and widely practice
> Darwinist credo which has slowly inculcated the modern economic thinking.
> Innovation has always been the driver of capitalism,

Wrong. Sheer greed has ALWAYS been the driver of capitalism.

> it like saying that
> water is necessary for life.       William Baumol's bullshit  announcement
> smacks of fascination with  the obvious.     Innovation has always been the
> great inducer of capital, which is patently obvious to most casual observer.

That's right. Pet rocks, hair in a can, minimum wages, externalization
costs, and a petroleum based automotive
industry 100 years old which will not change as long as capitalists
the oligopoly in the oil industry. That's innovation baby. What % of
are really advances for humanity? I don't know. Vare to guess?

> It should not be surprising that firms sign strategic partnerships with
> their competitors seeing that their innovations will ultimately fuel their
> own innovations.

You could say that, or you could say that we are destined to suffer
giantism, corporate cannibalism, or oligopoly. All, forms of monopoly.
I am
assuming here that folks agree that monopoly is a baaad thing.

> As Peter Drucker said nearly ten years ago"International economic theory is
> obsolete, the traditional factors of production land, capital and labor are
> constraints rather than driving forces, only information has become the one
> true factor of production,  it underlies the most powerful and  radical
> transformation in the global economy."    A la Internet!

What bullshit! People don't eat information. You get a little self
here don't you buddy? The internet has promise in several areas, none
which are necessary for sustaining life.

> ============================
> Jeffrey C Hearon
> Founder & CEO
> http://www.scio-ltd.net
> http://www.scio-ltd.com
> http://www.scio-ltd.org

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