-Caveat Lector-

SCIO-LTD wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: nurev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 3:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > SCIO-LTD wrote:
> > I don't think I care to dispense with my value judgments, and there
> > was
> > nothing puerile about pointing out your self serving statements.
> Everything you say is purile, you have less sense than I previous supposed,
> as you have so aptly shown.
> >snip>
> > We are saying the same thing. Greedy GE and greedy Westinghouse
> > compete to
> > sell you a refrigerator by offering you a lower price. This is the "
> > Magical
> > Mystical Market " at work. This of course is bullshit, since the
> > companies
> > are part of an oligopoly and often collude to fix prices.
>  some are some aren't.

At the top genius. In almost every field and industry, 80%
of the market is in the hands of only three, four, or five companies.
No one cares about the little piglets until they
are worth being bought out.

> >
> > But Capitalists keep spouting on and on about " invisible hands " and
> > other
> > superstitious crap.
> agreeded
> >

> > The Pope has finally started to gently chastise capitalism now that he
> > is no
> > longer afraid of being put out of the lucrative god business by the
> > Commies.
> > He must after all. Jesus did say that it's easier for a camel to hump
> > a
> > Dachshund, than for a rich man to get to heaven.
> No He didn't, (that's biblical bullshit, your's for that matter for
> misquoting the Word, what an idiot you are, He said it is easier for a camel
> to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter into the
> kindom of heaven.

No, you are very mistaken. You must be using one of those Christian
translated into some European language. In the original Aramaic (
which I
read )Jeshua states very unambiguously - " It is easier for a camel to
a Dachshund, than for a rich man to get to heaven." Whereby the
chant in response " urrg ahrg, urrg ahrg, unh unh unh."
-- Joshua2: Original Aramaic ver.

> > Oh please. Sell it somewhere else. This is a list which is more than
> > familiar
> > with the machinations of businessmen. Go to the archives and save the
> > bullshit.
> dismissive aren't we, especially since again you haven't a clue about what
> your talking about.
> And yes I've been to archives, it really doesn't say much about businessmen,
> fool.
> > > it is only is when the rights of others are
> > > violated in its acquisition.
> >
> > Now you've got it. If one can get rich from one's own labor, then one
> > deserves
> > all that he worked for. If one gets rich off of someone else's labor,
> > that is
> > theft. There is not enough time in a lifetime to accumulate fortunes
> > based on
> > one's own work.
> Wrong, but you really won't know that you're not wealthy.

 These are the rules of big business. Get a monopoly;
let society work for you; and remember that the best
of all business is politics."
--  Confessions of a Monopolist  by Frederick C. Howe

> > > Wealth is good and desirable.
> >
> > Even that is a wrong assumption. Although I'm sure you need to believe
> > otherwise. Wealth in society behaves like a dense star in space. It
> > distorts
> > EVERYTHING towards itself. This is why the rich get richer, wealth
> > concentrates
> > into the hands of the very few, the have nots become a destabilizing
> > force, and civilizations collapse.
> Dense star in space, are you off your fucking rocker, heh, heh, heh(there
> coming to take me away ha ha), Dude the only thing that is distorted is you
> views.   civilizations collapse for a variety of reasons.

Yes that's right. A variety of reasons.
Historian Arnold Toynbee studied 21 past civilizations,
looking for common factors in their demise. The two most
important ones were the EXTREME CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH,
and inflexibility in the face of changing conditions
within and around them.

> > > The fact that we can communicate our ideas is an advance.
> >
> > Yes it's an advance. So what. Beating drums was also an advance.
> > Television
> > was an advance with enormous potential. Look what capitalist
> > innovators did
> > to the best damn learning tool ever invented to date. If businesses
> > are
> > permitted to control and dominate the NET, then its potential will be
> > pissed
> > away too.
> beating drums an advance?

Of course it was an advance. A great technological advance in long

> You're really going out of your way to prove your
> ignorance, so far as the net it's too late.

Unfortunately, you are right. But it doesn't need to remain so.

> > Oh come off it. I'm in the computer industry. It put millions out of
> > work.
> > It's tedious , annoying, inefficient, labor intensive, poorly
> > conceived and
> > executed, and will wind up costing everyone much more than any
> > benefits it
> > brought. We can discuss this after next New Year. If cars ran as
> > poorly as
> > computers, we'd still have to keep horses.
> If you're using Bill Gates stuff I understand your frustration,

And what % of the market is Bill Gates' stuff? Huh, Mr. Inovation?

> but you
> choose your " tedious , annoying, inefficient, labor intensive, poorly
> conceived and executed, and will wind up costing everyone much more than any
> benefits it brought." job

My job is to make them work. That's a good thing.

> >
> > > [ I am assuming here that folks agree that monopoly is a baaad thing.]
> > > Absolutely categorically agree with you.
> >
> > And I would guess that you agree with me because your business is
> > still in
> > a competitive stage. If you were Bill Gates you wouldn't agree with
> > me.
> > Would you?
> All businesses are continually in a competitive stage, it simply doesn't
> end.

This is true. And this is one of the most wasteful aspects of
Some competition is good, but constant competition produces styles and
" new " versions of widgets and " upgrades " which are totally
> > > People thrive on information, data and intelligence, yes it is necessary
> to
> > > life, schools, training institutes and news agencies, the government
> > > (unfortunately the largest producer of information), businesses; media,
> > > entertainment all feed an open mind.
> >
> > But feed it what? People have gotten stupider and more distracted.
> really.   .   .    .  ?

Of course. Take you for example.

> > > It is the driver for wealth
> > > acquisition.
> >
> > Oink, oink.
> Ok PIG
> >
> > > If I know something then I am in a position to act on it.
> > > This fact was known a long time ago.   Remember man shall not live by
> > > bread alone but every word that proceedith out of the mouth of God.
> >
> > God and money. What a combination. Let me remind you that Jesus hated
> > and fought against the rich. This is why they had him killed. He
> > threatened
> > the source of their wealth, which came from collaborating with the
> > Romans in
> > exploiting the land and the people. The ordinary people wound up as
> > virtual
> > slaves and hated the Romans and their own rich enough to revolt. The
> > rest,
> > as they say, is history.
> Jesus didn't hate the rich, look at Nicodemus, dude read your Bible, no they
> killed him because He claimed He was the Son of GOD, brought Him up on the
> charge of blasphemy, and crucified Him.  GET IT RIGHT!!

Oh come on now! You must still be reading that Christian Euro version.
talking about the REAL Jeshua. The one who revolted against the
aristocracy and the elite priests. He had a few rich benefactors who
back his revolution of the poor. He even named his movement " The
He and his followers were practicing communists, and when a rich guy
asked to
join, he was required to give away his wealth.

If you were a real follower of J you would give away your wealth, stop
being an acquisitive scum bag, and seek out the homeless to wash their

> > Look, you want to make a lot of money? Go ahead and try. But don't try
> > to
> > justify your avarice with bullshit.
> FUCKOFF DICKHEAD. I DON"T NEED to justify shit to you,

FUCKOFF DICKHEAD??? Do you think Jesus went around saying FUCKOFF
I am ashamed of you. And so is HE.

> >
> > " Say it strong.
> > Say it loud.
> > I'm a pig,
> > and I am proud!"
> >
> > Joshua2
> >
> > >
> > > ============================
> > > Jeffrey C Hearon
> > > Founder & CEO
> > > SCIO-LTD

I hope you've enjoyed this discourse as much as I have.

God bless you and I hope HE forgives you for hurting my feelings
and being an avaricious evil capitalist.


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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