-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990611b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No ponderous appendages were amputated during production of this bulletin.
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@ Alcubierre Warp Drive. "Two years ago Alcubierre published a remarkable
paper [with] a very unusual solution to Einstein's equations of general
relativity, described in the title as a 'warp drive', and in the abstract as
'a modification of space time in a way that allows a space ship to travel at
an arbitrarily large speed'." http://mist.npl.washington.edu/av/altvw81.html

# Warp drive possible:

: Are you in a hurry? Which galaxy would you like to visit first? Will hoo-
mans infest the universe soon? Do warpers suffer from time contraction? If
not, is it really faster-than-light travel? Why quibble over terminology?
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# EVOLUTION VS. CREATION, ROUND 2. A group of creationists challenge the
  curriculums of Kansas schools, claiming the theory of evolution is highly
  speculative and confusing to religious children. Education officials mull:

: Have cretinists not noticed that diseases evolve? Does cretinist thought
continue to evolve? Is religion more or less speculative than evolution?

# ONLINE PHARMACIES BUSTED. The State of Kansas is suing several doctors,
  online drugstores, and individuals for dispensing drugs without prescrip-
  tions. Watch out, say state regulators. More sting operations are coming.

: Why is all this happening in Kansas? Do you buy drugs online? Who's your
dealer? Is it good shit? Can you score me a kilo of Prozac? How much? When?
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# GENE THERAPY FOR THE BALD. Forget the Hair Club for Men. Gene therapy may
someday help bald men to grow new hair. Scientists graft tiny bits of human
scalp to mice in an effort to develop a method to deliver genetic material
to hair follicles. TV advertising revenues will drop drastically, of course:

# Marines deny charges in vaccine case. 29 PALMS, Calif.(AP) - 5 US Marines
who refused anthrax shots pleaded innocent to charges of disobeying orders.
They're among dozens of US military personnel shunning vaccinations intended
to protect them if anthrax is used in BioWar. A growing number of service
personnel have refused the vaccine due to questions of side effects, inclu-
ding sterility. www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559883608-e8f

: Would you prefer anthrax, sterility or baldness? Can anti-baldness therapy
deliver debilitating diseases to hair-challenged senior military officers
and planners? What's your favorite vaccination? Earthly or extraterrestrial?
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# PC EXPORTS: 'LIKE BANNING AIR' Tech industry leaders tell Congress that
  limiting computer exports is a risky move that may harm nat'l security:

# Computer 'worm' turns nasty. (BBC) A highly destructive bug that has hit
  computer systems across the world reaches the UK via e-mail. Git bit:

: Is your security more threatened by worms or bans? Do you have more to
fear from hackers, regulators, aliens? What software is used against you?
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# Judge makes ruling in cannibal case. RIVERHEAD, N.Y. (AP) A former teacher
who confessed to killing a teen-ager and eating some of his body parts must
remain in psychiatric care, a judge ruled. Albert Fentress has been confined
to mental hospitals since he was found innocent by reason of insanity for a
1979 killing. Recently retried, jurors found he was mentally ill, but they
ruled he was no longer a danger to society and should be freed. Hunger for
freedom: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559884265-abf

: Would having one or more cannibals in your neighborhood depress property
values? Are you now or have you ever been a cannibal? D'ya wanna be? Why?
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# Pollution cloud threatens Asia. (BBC) Scientists say a cloud of pollution
  over the Indian Ocean is as big as the United States. Where there's smoke:

# Ministers 'will ignore dioxins'. (BBC) Conservationists say a Europe-wide
  ministerial meeting plans to ignore the Belgian food scandal. Ostriches:
# Also: Belgium returns meat to stores, shrugs off internat'l condemnation:

: Do you prefer air-bourne, water-bourne or food-bourne pollution? What is
your favorite pollutant? Do CIA mind-control rays constitute pollution? Why?
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# Scientists see atoms in diamond. (BBC) Unprecedented images of the carbon
  atoms in a diamond have been taken by a new microscope.

# US anti-missile system is go. (BBC) The US Army has carried out its first
  successful test of Thaad - its most advanced anti-missile system to date.
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# Vatican, Lutherans end tiff. GENEVA (AP) The Roman Catholic and Lutheran
churches have ended a nearly 5-century-old dispute over how people achieve
salvation, officials announced Friday. The accord represents "a decisive
step forward in the process of reconciliation." Is assimilation/merger next?
See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559889133-f97

# Jim Bakker moves into log cabin. CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - It's a kind of
homecoming for Jim Bakker. After spending a year and a half ministering to
the poor in inner-city Los Angeles, the ex-jailbird preacher and his wife
of nine months moved into a log cabin this week. He said he's considering
another televangelism career. "My problem is finding out how to support it,"
he said. "I don't want to ever have to raise $1 million every two days like
I did." http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559889109-85a

: Is your belief system concerned more about doctrine, power, finance, time,
staying out of prison, pomp, TV coverage, alien infiltration, demonology?
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# Webcam nets Nessie? (BBC) A couple in Texas say they have spotted the Loch
  Ness monster from the comfort of their own home thanks to the Internet.
@ Yup, a Nessie web cam. Follow the cam link: www.lochness.scotland.net/

: Do you have any good pictures of Nessie? Are they autographed? With what?
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The chicken spread its wings and charged at Evan's leg with beak open. --SWJ

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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