-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991119b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* Please DO NOT include the entire bulletin when you reply; Cut/Paste, eh?
* No religious dogmas evolved during production of this bulletin. <yawn>
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@ Lizard Alien: http://www.anw.com/kesara/images/004-M.jpg
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# Bethlehem sets millennium plans. JERUSALEM (AP) - Jesus' birthplace of
  Bethlehem will celebrate the new millennium with 2,000 white doves, a
  lineup of world-class choirs & biblical hikes in the footsteps of Mary
  & Joseph. 3-year $160 million Bethlehem 2000 project proceeds apace:
# Also: Israel, Jordan marking Jesus' path with painted gold footsteps:

: Since Yeshua ben Yusef [aka Jesus, son of Joseph, err, of {JHWH}] wasn't
born anywhere near 1/1/0001, why have a birthplace celebration now? Will
only the terminally innumerate [and those who feed upon them] show up?

# LOVE TO GLOAT? GO AHEAD, YOU'LL FEEL BETTER. A German psychoanalyst has
  given us permission to gloat - she says it relieves stress and puts us in
  touch with our feelings. Germans even have a word for it: schadenfreude.
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@ REPTILIANS - WHO ARE THEY REALLY? The ET Reptilian Aliens which are called
  Reptoids are proportional in size to modern humans. They have a snake like
  or lizard appearance. These are highly advanced entities but of a negative
  hostile or dangerous disposition since they regard humans as a totally in-
  ferior race. They would perceive us much the way we would perceive a herd
  of cattle. Info on these beings varies from source to source. Supposedly
  they consider Earth their ancient outpost & want to have complete control
  over it as their planet is becoming unable to adequately support life.
  Never hiss at them: http://www.greatdreams.com/reptlan/reps.htm

: Who are your favorite ETs? Do you like Reptoids? Ever had sex with any??
Do Reptoids consider human/ET sex as bestiality? Do you like bestiality?

# Earth said warmed 55 mln years ago. (AP)  Researchers have found evidence
  to support a theory that an abrupt warming of Earth 55 million years ago
  was caused by the sudden release of frozen deposits of methane from the
  ocean: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2562137988-1bb
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# Naples Cardinal's indictment sought. ROME (AP) Prosecutors in south Italy
  requested indictments against the archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Michele
  Giordano, in what they allege was a massive loan-sharking ring. "I am
  serene because I am clean inside, and someone up there knows it," Giordano
  said, pointing a finger at the heavens. Divine beings refused to comment -
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2562140806-f53

: Does your belief system have a sophisticated financial operation? Do your
deities provide for all your needs, or do you need to shake-down humans for
operating funds? Do you keep a percentage of contributions for yourself??

# Video Game Publishers in Damnation Shocker. Cue the ads for Shiny's
  MESSIAH, complete with a doctored picture of the Pope taking a drag on
  a "hand-rolled cigarette" with the tag line 'What on Earth Possessed
  You?' http://www.gamasutra.com/newswire/eurospeak/19991117/index.htm
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# MOTHER NATURE IS AN OLD LADY WITH BAD HABITS. The distinction between the
  human animal and other creatures is far from absolute. We share some 98%
  of our DNA with chimpanzees. We share basic bodily substances such as the
  endorphins, natural opiates that give us the "runner's high," with earth-
  worms. In fact, only a mere 50 or so genes (as well as several regulatory
  genes that control timings of gene expression) account for our humanness.
  Much of our "family face" stems from others who swam, crawled or brachia-
  ted in aeons past. http://www.sciam.com/1999/1299issue/1299reviews1.html

: Does your belief system draw vast distinctions between yourself and other
humans and animals? Are you all alone, cut off from the rest of life? Why??

@ Mean people rule: http://jlms.com/~mc_tact/limbo.jpg
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@ Dan Lietha's <http://members.truepath.com/DanL/danl2.html> comics tells us
  that evolution <http://members.truepath.com/DanL/CWFishingForKids.html> is
  a trojan meme from the evil Secular Media designed to corrupt good Chris-
  tian children and that the Bible is only thing that stands between kids
  and <http://members.truepath.com/DanL/EdCartoonPAGE.html> school violence.
  And be sure to see: http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Memetics/

: Have you evolved much lately? Do you strenuously resist evolving? Does y'r
belief system prohibit evolving? What will you do when everyone else evolves
far past you? Do you have a safe niche? Do your deities protect you? Really?

# ACLU sues over 10 Commandments in Kentucky -  "It's going to take
  the big man in the black robe to tell me to take them down" - see
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# Y2K: Run for the Money. (Wired) The millennium bug is worming its way into
  people's consciousness through that most vulnerable spot -- their wallets.
  Show me the money: http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,32664,00.html

# Y2K - US Officials Predict No Food Shortages:
# Y2K - U.S. FDA Sez Medical Devices OK For Y2K:
# Y2K - Auditor Warns Many Govt Agencies & Hospital Not Ready:
# Y2K- Contradictions Abound...Reading Between The Lines:

# Y2K - New Year's Wish: Ban the Bomb. (Wired) The European Parliament
  wants countries to shut down their nuclear-weapons facilities over the
  New Year, an idea which doesn't appeal to a US senator riding herd over
  Y2K preparedness. http://www.wired.com/news/y2k/0,1360,32657,00.html

# Y2K - US Shows Off Brand New, Secure $50 Million Center:
# Y2K - Emergency Services To Go Full Alert, Engines Running, At
  11 PM Dec. 31: http://sightings.com/politics5/fullalert.htm
# Y2K - Latest Updated List Of Serious Possible US Problems:
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  "Millennium? WHAT millennium? I don't see any goddam millennium!" --anon.

* Rev. Ric Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.da.ru * FAX: 603-415-3736
* Fringe * Science * Faith * Sex/Drugs * UFO/PSI/Y2K * Conspiracy *
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat/News archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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