-Caveat Lector-



   The accumulation of wealth brings with it an accumulation of power and
influence disproportional to the actual numbers of wealthy groups, and
individuals existing in a society.
   1) I believe there is a way to break the hold of big money on the
Presidency, and other major political positions at the national governmental
level. This can be achieved by modifying our views on how to utilize the
electoral process to recapture and strengthen the limited democracy we had.
Whatever power voters had was stolen from the American people by U.S. and
foreign moneyed interests.
   2) Nullifying political bribery by the Duopoly can be accomplished in a

   Please consider the following: The diversity and size of the U.S. plays
right into the hands of the ruling class and their institutions. It's easy to
keep a society like this divided along natural fault lines. Class, race,
religion, gender, sexual preference, occupation, philosophical outlook,
regionalism, and multiculturalism, are some reasons that truly mass movements
are almost impossible to organize in this country. The obvious exceptions are
war, and disaster.
   Though there are more people getting involved in grass roots politics,
they are organizing around narrow interests. I'm not belittling those
interests. I'm simply saying that the mass power of the public is not being
focused on the weak points in the system. Those are, the ability to
effect change through voting ( or not voting ), spending ( or not spending ),
and paying taxes ( or withholding your taxes ).

   The problem with voting, is that those who have stolen the democratic
process, present us with the option of picking any one of THEIR candidates
that we like. The process of running for any national office, is actually a
filtering process that "BOTH" parties use to insure that only those
acceptable to the ruling class will be presented to us for rubber stamping.
Thus, they have taken the choice out of our choosing process. Most people now
realize that something is very wrong here, and are quite angry about it. This
is not democracy.
   ["Don't cling to a political party that has been converted to
neo-conservatism. [[ Like Clinton/Gore's " New Dems," or " New Labor " in Britain,
or " Third Way " Socialists. - J2 ]] Once the party has been taken over, maintaining
solidarity on the outside while seeking change from within merely gives them more
time. When the spirit of the party is dead, shed the old skin and create something
   from the book " Economic Fundamentalism " by Dr Jane Kelsey, U of
Auckland, NZ ]

   Because he was elected with only 43% of the vote (1992- in a three way race ),
Clinton was perceived as being politically weak, and forced to compromise
more than he really wanted to. Of course that didn't extend to pro business
issues like NAFTA and GATT and Fast Track.
   Reagan, on the other hand was perceived as having won by a "landslide", and
had a strong mandate to do anything he wished, while the press cowered before
the will of the people. Consequently, he became the " teflon " president.
( Referring of course, to the substance between his ears.)
   The point is, the importance of the perception of popular support. Imagine
a President elected by only 35% or less. How difficult might it be for such
an unpopular elected official to raise taxes, cut social programs, get us
into an oil war, or turn our national forces over to the institutions of World
Federalism like NATO and the U.N., when so few would have voted for him (/her)?

   I am convinced that elections in the near future will incorporate "third"
parties. This will become necessary to maintain the illusion of democratic
participation. The Duopoly has played itself out. Too many voters hate the
Democrats, AND the Republicans. Successful "third" parties will also be owned
by Big Business. Why give up a good scam? This will then camouflage the lack
of democracy for yet one more generation, while rich ruling "elites" around
the world link up to achieve their long held dream of a worldwide economic
system with them in charge. If this scenario does in fact play out, then
imagine what it would take to dislodge them from positions of power around
the world.

   I have a simple, do-able plan to stop, or at least slow down this process
of fake democracy. The solution is to allow people the choice of NOT voting.
Legitimize not voting as the only real choice in a field of hand picked
candidates, and you will have a defacto "NO MANDATE" movement. A national
expression of no confidence for all the world to see. The American Emperors
have no cloths.
   Not voting will require legitimization. For all our lives we have been
propagandized into thinking that the vote is a powerful, and meaningful act.
But this is only true when there are real differences between the parties or
the candidates. The unfortunate fact remains, that statistically, the single
vote is irrelevant ( at the national level ), and casting our ballots for
pre-chosen candidates of the Big Business Parties is not really to our
benefit as citizens who at least theoretically control our own government.

   Once the public sees that not voting is a positive expression of
dissatisfaction with the status quo, then all individuals and groups who are
in fact dissatisfied ( for any reason ), will be acting in UNITY, no matter
how ideologically diverse they may be. For example: The Ultra Right will not
wish to endorse the Establishment's undermining of America's sovereignty for
the sake of globalism. The left will finally come to realize that it has no
home in the Democratic Party. Unions will have learned ( hopefully ) from the
Clinton / NAFTA /FASTRACK experience that it's going to take much bigger
bribes than they can afford to match Big Business' purchasing power of

   Then there are the Libertarians, the Communists, the Anarchists, United We
Stand America, Socialists, the extreme Right ( religious or otherwise ), all
people who know that there is no one on the final ballot who represents them.
They don't have to communicate with each other, or marry each other's
sisters, or even like each other. All they have to do is not vote. Quite a

If you think that this is just a pipe dream, just look at what happened with
the recent [June 99 )EU vote. The voter turnout in each EU country was so low,
that the political elites in each country absolutely panicked. Fifty one percent
of eligible Europeans did not turn out. While this is normal in the United
States, it is embarrassing for Europeans who considered the abstention rate of
43.2% five years earlier too high.

After discovering that the ruling Socialists in France are simply the left
wing of the free marketeering Globalists, they just managed to win with a
rousing turnout of 10% of France's eligible voters.

Conclusion: The economic policies of the former right wing governments of
Kohl/Germany, Juppe/France, and Major of Great Britain, had hardly been
improved by Schroder, Jospin, and Blair as had been promised.So WHY BOTHER
TO VOTE IF IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE? A pox on both their houses!

In Britain the turnout was 23%. Tony Blair had to alter his aggressive agenda
on changing the Sterling to the EURO. He was FORCED to put it on the back burner
because of the weak support for Labour DUE TO THE LOW TURNOUT OF VOTERS.


   A non voting protest movement will automatically include all those people
who have been marginalized non voters. The poor, the homeless, the so called
lazy apathetic masses whom the media and the middle classes have despised
for years, will be indistinguishable ( at least statistically speaking ) from
the rest of protesting America. We are now talking about a very large
majority of " eligible " voters no longer willing to legitimize a process
that works against themselves.
   A milder version of this concept would be a " None Of The Above " slot on
ballots in all federal (and other) elections. So why don't we have it? Because,
between the voters' desire for it, and its implementation, stand the politicians
who want this like brain cancer. And this is the heart of the problem of working
through the system.
   One hundred and thirty five years of incremental advantages for the rich and
their corporations have brought us to the point of losing our livelihoods,
our limited democracy such as it was, our sovereignty over - our
environment, our economy, our food supply, our energy supply, our educations,
our safety, and our children's futures. The advances we made through the
political system at the turn of the century, the thirties, and the sixties
haven't come to much. Representative democracy doesn't represent us. We need
direct democracy. We need proportional representation. They won't give it to us,
we must take it anyway.

   What if they gave an election and nobody came ? Well, you would have a
government elected by a small percentage of the voting public, but takes
taxes from 100% of the voting public. This means that a vast majority of
Americans face " taxation without representation". As we know from U.S.
history...the founding fathers used this as an excuse for revolution.

   Once the duopoly is broken open, only then will real and fundamental
changes have a chance. Real environmentalism, not relative to the bottom
line, or nature shows sponsored by Shell Oil. Economic democracy. A serious
rethinking of Capitalism, particularly corporate capitalism. Employee
ownership and control of all businesses over a certain size. Permanent
progressive taxation. And anything else that you can get into the national
agenda that was excluded by some politician because his owner wasn't
interested, or couldn't profit from it.

   A boycott of national elections should be considered a TACTIC, not a
permanent solution. If a real choice is offered,  then that is
different. The rule of thumb is simple - vote for the candidate you want, or
don't vote at all. This notion of voting for the lesser of two evils is
morally, intellectually, and logically bankrupt. For those of you bent to the
Left, the Democrats are the lesser of two evils. For those of you bent to the
Right, it's the Republicans who are the lesser of the two evils.  If biology
worked that way, we would all be devolving into bacteria. The fact that so many
citizens feel compelled to vote on the basis of such a flawed philosophy, attests
to the sophistication and effectiveness of America's political propaganda
machine. By using such ploys as * Get out the Vote *, * Rock the Vote*,
and the ever popular, guilt inducing, * think of all the dead soldiers who
bravely gave their lives so that you may vote*, you dear voter are duped
into rubber stamping the representatives of the rich.

Vote for a candidate you want, or don't vote at all.

Thanks for listening,


Andrew Marr Of 'The Independent' Interviews
Noam Chomsky (MIT professor)

What we call politics is really a shadow play conducted by corporate
power. Parliament [Congress] is the buffer between the popular desire
for democracy and the reality of corporate rule. People, after all, are
unlikely to resist that rule so long as politicians (and journalists)
succeed in persuading us that it is not there; that in fact it is we
who are in control. The mass media plays a crucial  role in supporting
the democracy illusion by pretending that the arguments presented to
us - together with the parties we are allowed to choose from -
constitute a free and fair spectrum of choices, which are our choices,
and not what is left after state and corporate power have filtered out
choices that threaten to interfere. One of the choices deemed unfit
for public consumption is the idea that the mass media is a propaganda


"The Roman government gave them bread and circuses.
Today we give them bread and elections..."
Will Durant

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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