-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990715a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Hey, SkeptiChat subscribers: let's see some responses, some discussion!!
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No black helicopters were sighted during the production of this bulletin.
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  after Gene Cernan scaled the LM ladder, looked below at his boot-prints
  etched in the lunar dust, and above, at our stunning blue planet suspended
  in the "three dimensional" blackness, Cernan wants to be remembered as
  someone who was there at the start of something bold and audacious -- not
  the end an glorious era. But those glory days are over. Now it's just the
  robots and extraterrestrials: http://cnn.com/TECH/space/9907/14/downlinks/

: Has Luna been abandoned to Reptilioids, Nazis and astronauts' ghosts? Will
we be able to take it back? Have you bought any real estate there yet? Why?
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# Are Endocrine  Disruptors a Threat to Your Health? For years, researchers
  have investigated the theory that trace levels of industrial chemicals are
  hazardous to human health. Although studies have failed to establish a
  causal relationship, some scientists and activist groups continue to blame
  trace levels of synthetic chemicals for human illness. Read the executive
  summary of the American Council on Science and Health's Special Report:

: Are you easily poisoned? Is your toxic environment accidental, deliberate,
inevitable? Who controls the toxicity? Why are they doing this? Why else??
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# Cautious go-ahead for gene testing at work. (BBC) Employers should be
  allowed to test for genetically inherited conditions, but only under
  certain restrictions, according to a UK government advisory body.

# Also: Genetic test boom warning:
# Children 'need to learn about genetics':
@ Links: Advisory Commission report: http://www.dti.gov.uk/ost/ostbusiness/
@ Human Genetics Advisory Commission: http://www.dti.gov.uk/hgac/
@ Sickle cell http://sicklecellsociety.org/employme.htm#anchor117932

: Do you want to test your workers' DNA? Would you keep samples? Would you
grow clones of the best workers? Would they be ideal for enslavement? Why?
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# Space race amateurs 'not giving up'. A rocket built by a group of amateur
  space enthusiasts has disintegrated on its launch pad during an abortive
  take-off. But the two men behind the White Rose project, which blew up on
  the North York Moors on Thursday morning, say they'll try again. Pip-pip.

: Have aliens/Russians/demons interfered with your rocket launches lately?
Will you persevere? Will individuals ever wrest control of space from Them?
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# Y2K Conspiracy Goes Mainstream. WASHINGTON -- For many Y2K fanatics, the
  scariest threat on 1 January 2000 is not technology at all. It's the far
  more sinister specter of a power-mad president imposing martial law. Dark
  visions of US Marines stomping through backyards on New Year's Eve 1999
  are a staple of innumerable Y2K yakk groups. A typical post: "There is
  nothing secret about the fact [that the] US, UK and Canada are preparing
  for martial law." They just got a boost from a confab held by the staid US
  Reserve Officers Association, an eminently respectable group that Congress
  chartered in 1920. http://wired.com/news/news/politics/story/20751.html

: Are you ready for the putsch? Will it be worldwide, or just in the West?
Are the black helicopters fueled, armed, waiting? Can/will you run, hide?
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From: "Hilary A. Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# If the case for extraterrestrial life were put to a jury, it'd likely be
  out for less than 5 minutes before returning the verdict that we are not
  alone. No one expects ET to come knocking on the door of 1600 Pennsylvania
  Ave. But recent findings, including discovering of the first solar system
  other than our own, convince leading scientists that life probably exists
  on surfaces and in oceans of distant planets and moons, maybe even in the
  void of space. http://popularmechanics.com/popmech/sci/9907STSPAP.html

# The end of the world is nigh! (again). The world has, it seems, survived
  Nostradamus's predicted apocalypse on the 4th of July this year; but the
  Universe is still a dangerous place to live. When some stars get old, they
  explode as supernovae - and you DON'T want to be near one. A supernova in
  our galactic backyard might wipe out most of the life on Earth. Has this
  ever happened in the past? Scientists believe they have now developed a
  method for spotting the fingerprints of nearby supernovae - in the depths
  of the sea. Traces: http://helix.nature.com/nsu/990715/990715-12.html

# Planets on the radio. Hardly a month goes by without a report of finding
  planets orbiting distant stars. Sensing these 'extrasolar planets' strains
  detectors to their utmost limits. As yet, nobody has actually 'seen' an
  extrasolar planet - to an Earthbound observer, perhaps tens of light years
  distant, an extrasolar planet is just too faint, too close to its parent
  star, to be visible. In general, astronomers infer the presence of planets
  from the subtle yet periodic gravitational effects they exert on the
  parent star. Wobbling: http://helix.nature.com/nsu/990715/990715-13.html

# First footing. The earliest vertebrates - backboned animals, like you and
  me - to emerge on land did so at the end of the Devonian Period, around
  365 million years ago. Or did they? The timing of the first steps on land
  is hotly debated. Argue: http://helix.nature.com/nsu/990715/990715-5.html
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@ Skywatch International Inc. http://www.skywatch-international.org
# Insurgency on the Internet: A look at hacking: http://www.cnn.com/hackers
@ Suspicious Activity Reports: http://www.ustreas.gov/fincen/sarbul1.html
@ MI5: Spycatcher Affair: http://five.org.uk/security/mi5org/spycatch.htm

@ intellectualcapital.com - Assessing Hacktivism - I was a teenage hacker:
@ Bombs Away. Do Internet providers have an obligation to keep bombmaking
  sites offline? http://intellectualcapital.com/issues/issue257/item5713.asp
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"It's all in the crystals; the truth can be found." --Glenda Stocks(??)

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * ICQ# 19633976 *
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm *
* Fringe * Science * Faith * Sexuality * UFO/ET/PSI * Conspiracy *

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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