-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990927a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Few inhabited planets were impacted during production of this bulletin.
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@ Fashion Crime Bingo:
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# New Virus Detected; Is it from the Plum Island Animal Disease Center? With
  New Virus, Experts Suspect More Died of Encephalitis. Having found they've
  most likely been looking for the wrong virus, public health officials are
  investigating whether as many as eight more people than previously
  reported have died in New York City's mysterious encephalitis outbreak.

# New York Fatal Mosquito-Borne Illness May Be African Virus. The mosquito-
  borne killer disease may not be St. Louis encephalitis, as experts have
  thought, but rather a similar disease that has never been diagnosed in
  the Western Hemisphere. http://sightings.com/health3/africanvirus_h.htm

: Have you bred/spread a new biowar virus lately? Do you prefer a virus that
attacks neural tissue? Are you optimizing its delivery systems? For what??
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# MASS MARKETING: Over the course of several weeks in 1963 some 900 folks in
  the villages of Mbale & Kigezi, Uganda were seized en masse by a maddening
  compulsion to run wildly thru the streets clutching chickens and screaming
  until they fell from exhaustion. Scientists diagnosed it as mass hysteria.

: Have you ever run around clutching chickens & screaming? Were you insane,
hysterical, mind-controlled, or being initiated into a college fraternity?
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# Prion Diseases Spreading Through Grains? SANDPOINT, ID - Though "mad cow"
  disease may have spread to UK cattle that ate sheep brains, the infectious
  crystalline agent responsible, called a prion, did not likely originate
  there. A new theory on transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs)
  suggests the sheep became initially contaminated by eating fungal infected
  grains. Deadly TSEs foreshadow a "biological apocalypse" that will make
  "AIDS seem like an appetizer at a cataclysmic picnic."

: What's your favorite prion? Have you developed/tested/spread any prions
lately? Are you working on a "mad chicken disease"? Do you control KFC??
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@ Morse Code Translator. Security is big these days - with all these expert
  systems & 1024 bit crypto blahblah, one tends to be wary. Enter the one &
  only Morse code translator! Use this page to translate to/from Morse Code.
  You can listen to the translation too! Now when the Boss demands adherence
  to special security codes, you can rest assured that your code will make
  the final cut! http://www.soton.ac.uk/~scp93ch/refer/morseform.html

@ Hushmail. Got the pun in the name? Here is a beta version of a new free
  email facility. Two interesting features are 1024 bit encryption (far
  better than other free email facilities), and the ability to attach
  files to your hushmail messages. http://www.hushmail.com/

: Do you trust free security, free email, free Morse code? What email/codes
do your Reptilioid/Republican masters use? Are they free? Are "free email"
services actually run by biz or govt intel groups bent on stealing y'r data?
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# Cosmologists Stretch to Explain Birth of Galaxies. A model of galaxy
  formation that shows bursts of star-forming activity about 10 billion
  years ago is igniting debate among cosmologists about how galaxies
  began. http://www.space.com/science/astronomy/starburst_990921.html

: How did your galaxy begin? How will it end? With a bang or a whimper? Why?

# The Milky Way Will Never Be the Same. Astronomers say the Milky Way - our
  home galaxy - is destined to be involved in a disastrous intergalactic
  collision. http://www.space.com/science/astronomy/big_banger_990921.html

: Do you love big crashes? Do you stop and gawk? What's your favorite crash?

# Star-Eating Mass Found Near Center of Milky Way. A huge X-ray hiccup
  has given away a hidden black hole or neutron star, presumably as it
  finished making a meal of matter from a nearby star. Yummy yummy.

: Have you eaten any stars lately? Did you spread marmalade on them? Tasty?

# Forecast Calls for Exciting Meteor Shower. Scientists are beginning to
  understand a November meteor shower called the Leonids. To know Leo is
  to love Leo: http://www.space.com/science/astronomy/leonids.html

: Do you prefer meteor showers, meteor baths, meteor bubble-baths? Fizzly??

# Migrating Planets. Did the solar system always look the way it does now?
  New evidence indicates that the outer planets may have migrated to their
  present orbits. http://www.sciam.com/1999/0999issue/0999malhotra.html

: Do migrating planets need visas? Should illegal migrants be deported???

@ NASA NEWS. Not surprisingly, NASA runs a humungo Web site exploiting the
  online medium. Science@NASA is a growing list that forwards new stories as
  they are posted to the Web site. Often NASA includes downloadable audio,
  visual, and animated graphics files with each new posting. (You access the
  attachments from the site; they aren't clipped to the newsletter itself.)
  Recent features include an interactive online tool that can tell you if
  and how global warming is impacting your neighborhood, etc. Point your
  aluminum umbrella toward: http://science.nasa.gov/news/subscribe.htm
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@ Urban Legends Reference Pages: http://www.snopes.com
@ Guide to urban legends & folklore: http://urbanlegends.about.com/
@ World History Course Online: http://killeenroos.com/wh/syllabus.htm
@ I Want The Earth Plus %5: http://sightings.com/politics4/earthplus_p.htm

# NASA Seeks "ET" Organisms In Yellowstone Hot Springs:
  orders: http://cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/09/26/buchanan.GOP/

@ The Last Circle: The CIA and drug trafficking:
@ MK-ULTRA: http://www.psychops.com/mkultra_cia_docs.htm
  Blatant Lie! http://www.konformist.com/1998/jquinn/haarp2a.htm
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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nazi's need not apply.

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