-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991115a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No prophets were harmed to produce this bulletin; we just ignored them.
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@ Fake Alien Skull: http://www.starchildproject.com/
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# Parade on road for Millennium. (BBC) Thousands of young people from across
  the globe are to join what may be the world's most humungous Millennium
  Day parade, which will take place in London on New Year's Day. Party on,
  dewdz: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_520000/520712.stm

@ Links - Millennium Festival: http://www.festival2000.co.uk/
@ New Millennium Experience: http://www.dome2000.co.uk/sniff/flash.htm
@ Domecam: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/domecam/default.htm

@ Millennium Sunrise. A tiny island 800km off the coast of New Zealand is
  officially the first inhabited spot on the globe to see the sun rise on
  the new millennium. Take a virtual visit there & meet the family who live
  "on the spot". http://travel.iafrica.com/destin/index.htm?src_id=tmp0346

# ALSO - Edinburgh gears up for Hogmanay bash:
# Dome ticket sales pass million mark:
# Pods take turn on Millennium Wheel:
# 'Cookin' new anthem' to greet millennium:
# Streets ahead for millennium parties:

: Will you usher in the new millennium with sex'n'drugs'n'rock'n'roll? Will
you be hiding out in your shelter? Will you be nursing systems, hangovers,
aliens, robots, me? Will you take radical measures? Will you end the world?
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@ North American Indian Prophecies. There was the cycle of the mineral, the
  rock; & the cycle of the plant; & now we're in the cycle of the animal...
  coming to the end of that, beginning the cycle of the human being. When we
  enter the cycle of the human being, the highest & greatest powers we have
  will be released to us. They will be released from that light or soul that
  we carry to the mind. But right now we're coming to the end of the animal
  cycle and we have investigated ourselves and learned what it is to be like
  an animal on this earth. http://bahai-library.org/talks/lee.brown.html

: Are you like a rock, a plant, an animal, a human being? What's next? How
do you know? Do you have great untapped powers, highest & greatest powers??

@ What day is it?
@ (Brought to you by the authors of Calendrical Calculations)
@ And see: http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Reference/
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# 21st Century Inventions: War. (FEED) The scope & complexity of warfare in
  the 21st century makes traditional war look like a game of checkers, not
  chess. Genetic engineering, satellite commo, info infrastructures - what
  are these if not weapons of, and targets for, hi-tech, high-stakes attack?
  If it's worth inventing, it's probably usable in warfare - which is why,
  despite the rapidly spinning wheels of private-sector tech research,
  scientists and engineers at DoD still toil away on a mind-boggling number
  of projects and inventions. http://www.msnbc.com/news/334593.asp?cp1=1

# Gulf War: Instant Recall. LONDON (AP) - Symptoms of Gulf War syndrome
  could be triggered by smells, tastes and sounds - including fire and
  smoke - that recall the conflict for those who fought in it. Remember:

: Do you remember everything of every war you've ever been in? Do we all? Do
we forget? Do we make future wars more intense, more deadly, by forgetting?
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# Court rejects racist. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) White supremacist Matt Hale,
  leader of the World Church of the Creator, vowed to take his quest for a
  law license to the nation's highest court after the Illinois Supreme
  Court refused to consider the case. Racist swine need attorneys too:

: Is racism a moral disqualifier for the practice of law? Is morality needed
in your profession? Is morality irrelevant to capitalism, govt, law, power?

@ She's tiny and softspoken, and uses her unthreatening manner to deliver
  a radical message - why Susan Faludi should be Pat Buchanan's running
  mate: http://www.reason.com/9912/ed.vp.reactionary.html
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# Church feud safety concerns Israel. JERUSALEM (AP) Reversing a prior vow
  of non-interference, Israel will involved in a dispute among Christian
  denominations over a new door in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
# Also: Israel to raze Goldstein's shrine - don't commemorate terrorists:

# Mob attacks India Xians. NEW DELHI (AP) A mob attacked Christians holding
  a prayer meeting & Bible study outside a church in New Delhi, beating up
  several worshippers. Attacks on Christians have risen in India in the past
  2 years, but this incident was the first such mob attack in the national
  capital: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2562071512-5c9

: Are Christians more trouble than they're worth? Does your belief system
engender conflict, violence, assault, mob action? Is it entertaining??

@ Ladies! Find happiness in dusting and sewing on buttons. Let Mrs.
  Mendelson help you to discover the secret pleasures of domesticity:
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# China indicts sect members. BEIJING (AP) Prosecutors indicted 7 hunger-
  striking members of the banned Falun Gong sect in a Chinese govt move to
  put an estimated 300 group leaders on trial by the end of the month. China
  opened a wave of show trials Friday, convicting & sentencing 4 "backbone"
  members to prison terms of 2-12 years. Scores of rank-and-file believers
  who refused to recant have been sent without trial to labor camps. In the
  past 10 days, another 35 followers were given "labor re-education" terms
  of up to three years. And the meditating subversives just keep on coming:

: Are show-trials entertaining? Can a govt successfully suppress a belief
system without killing or jailing all its members? How far will China go?

@ The Che Guevara T-shirt made revolutions a fashion item. Once upon a
  time, they were taken a little more seriously. Revolting fashions??
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  "I've gone into thousands of [fortune teller's parlors], and have been
   told thousands of things, but nobody ever told me I was a policewoman
   getting ready to arrest her." -- NYC detective

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