-Caveat Lector-

Hello Bard,
I would like to re-clarify some things. It's Luke chapter 1 not 2,
regarding the course of Abia, which then proves out chapter 2. (sometimes my
fingers get ahead of my brain,  and I don't always re-edit what I wrote...
sorry about that)...

Luke ch 1:5 "There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain
priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia; and his wife was of the
daughters of Aaron, [Aaron, first high priest of Israel; brother of Moses]
and her name was Elisabeth."
Luke ch 1:8-9 "And it came to pass, that while he [Zacharias]  executed the
priest's office before God in the order of his course [the course of Abia],
according to the custom of the priest's office, his lot was to burn incense
when he went into the temple of the Lord."
Luke ch 1: 23-25 "And it came to pass, that, as soon as the days of his
ministration were accomplished,  he departed to his own house. And after
those days his wife, Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months,
saying, "Thus hath the Lord dealth with me in the days wherein where he
looked on me,  to take away my reproach [being barren of children]  among
Luke ch 1:26-27 "And in the SIXTH MONTH [of Elisabeth's pregnancy follow the
subject from the previous verse... ],  the angel Gabriel was sent from God
into a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,  to a virgin espoused [betrothed] to
a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David;  and the virgin's name
was Mary."
Luke ch 1:36 "And,  behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also CONCEIVED a
son in her old age: and this is in the SIXTH MONTH WITH HER who was called
Luke ch 1:39-41 "And Mary arose in those days,  and went into the hill
country with haste,  into a city of Juda;  and entered into the house of
Zacharias and saluted Elisabeth.  And it came to pass that when Elisabeth
heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb..."
Luke ch 1:56-57 "And Mary abode with her about three months [until Passover]
and returned to her own house. Now Elisabeth's full time came that she
should be delivered; and she brought forth a son."

Luke chapter 2 tells the story of Mary's travels and birth of Jesus.

The nine months from Abia (June),  ELIZABETH,  Mary's cousin,  (The priest,
Zacharias' wife) would have birthed the child we have come to know as " John
the Baptist".  If you read the history in Luke,  you find that Elizabeth was
six months with child -(John)-  when Mary approached Elizabeth to tell her
of her own news that she had just conceived and  would bear the Messiah.
Six months from June is December, is it not?

Six months from the priest's duties of Abia,  would be December.  That would
make the date of Mary's conception approximately December 24th - 25th.
(Catholic)  Historians,  for whatever reasons,  chose December 25th as the
BIRTH,  not conception of Christ,  as we all know.  What they have tried to
impose into the history was that Jesus was BORN on December 25th,  rather
than celebrating the conception which occured at this time.  This was
incorporated because of the pagan holiday at that time which celebrated the
Winter Solstice.  Bringing pagan beliefs incorporated into the doctrine of
the Church's beginnings is why we have so much confusion and disbelief
today,  not only in that church but the many offshoots and protesters of
that faith...

With Mary having conceived in late December,  the nine months or ten moons,
as pregnancies go,  falls on or about the latter week of September...  which
is when Christ was actually born (the feast of Tabernacles),  a time when
Shepherd's would indeed still be in the fields grazing their sheep.  They
would not be in the fields in the depths of December,  for the weather in
the area of Bethlehem is similar to that of the northern US.  Rather,  they
would have stabled the sheep for the duration of the winter in about
November, after fall harvesting, as was common practice of the time.  Check
your latitudes on this weather situation.

Also, it just so happens that you can go back into Jewish history and find
that Zacharias was doing his yearly priest duties from approximately (our
Gregorian calendar) June 12th through the 20th.  Six months from that point,
would indeed be latter December,  the time when Mary conceived, as
previously referenced above.  The birth of John the Baptist occurred on or
about paschal,  or what we call Passover,  i.e.  the Catholic Church has
dubbed this high day,  "Easter",  which is a cognate word of the name
"Ishtar"  (not Astarte),  referring to the goddess of fertility. This is
where you get the tradition of bunnies...  and rolling colored eggs,  in the
'gaian' worship of nature in the groves in the spring.  According to the
Bible,  Passover occurs on the 14th day following the spring equinox,  not
the traditional dates the Church sets and we are forced to celebrate
according to their Gregorian calendar...  which rarely falls on the day that
the Lord ordered it to be kept.  See Leviticus 23:5.  (If you want more
references,  I will provide them).   The first month of the Hebrew calendar
begins on the Spring Equinox,  fourteen days later we are to commemorate the
Passover,  which is usually the first weekend in April.

Jesus was Jewish,  because though Joseph was not his natural father,  he did
become Jesus' step father,  and he was of the house of David.  And the
father's heritage [father of the household]  rules (regardless of WHO the
natural father is),  though the mother's blood is what determines the
lineage.  Mary was a Levite,  (daughter of the priesthood);  Joseph was of
the house of David.  Both lineages can be followed through the Chronicles
and discovered that they are both of the sons of Jacob,  aka "Israel"
(Genesis 32:28) which makes up the whole of the 13 tribes of Israel,
including Judah.  So,  you see Jesus was both a Jew (which is merely a
religious preference, not a race),   and of the house of the Levites,  which
called him into the priesthood.  He could therefore be called the "Lion of
the tribe of Judah" [Joseph's lineage] (per Revelation 5:5),  and Levite,  a
priest,  [after the order of Melchizedec (Priest of Salem [PEACE])  [[Psalms
110:4; Genesis 14:18; and Hebrews 5:6 & 10 sp.;  6:20;  7:1, 10, 11, 15, 17,
21]] ]

Just some bits more information for you there Bard,  (more than you asked
for probably).   I'm glad if this helps you understand the TRUTH about the
matter which is out there for those who care to research it.  Please do not
believe just what I tell you...  please do the research for yourself.  Then,
there is no room for error or any private interpretation or
misunderstanding.  You will then understand it for yourself.
Nothing is hidden,  but man rather has a tendency to HIDE the truth within
his traditions and fabricated religious doctrines which God did not order
and which causes many to turn away from the Truth and to accept something in
the stead of truth [the prophetic "falling away"] (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3).
God's Word is not difficult to understand.  It is man who slices, dices and
confuses the issues.

eagle 1


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 1999 11:25 AM

> -Caveat Lector-
> Eagle 1,
> Many, many Thanks for the information!!
> I thrive on the Truth! wowow!
> Correct my Math, as I did not attend a public school that was controlled
> by the Socialists, nine months from Abia (June) is most certainly not
> December.  This only confirms my long-held belief that our Saviour was
> born in the Spring, say March.  Isn't it true that the Christians
> sanctioned the Festival of Winter Solstice (having to do with the God
> Mithras) as a means to gain acceptance by the Pagans to enable their
> evanglicanism?
> Bard
> PS:  You think OM will consider these Posts as "off topic"?  lol
> Eagle 1 wrote:
> >
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > Bard,
> > All one needs to do is to read the account of the birth of Christ in
> > chapter 2,  and with knowing that Mary and Elizabeth were cousins...
> > be the big clue.  Elizabeth's husband was a Priest Zechrrias who was
> > dumb during his Priest duties in the course of Abia (Abia,  being our
> > current month of June) when he did not believe the angel who came to him
> > telling him that Elizabeth was pregnant and would bear a child.
> > had to be a Levite,  as did Mary.  Their mother was of the tribe of
> > (hence the word "Jew"),  (hence "the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH")
which is
> > where the bloodline flows. Levites (the priesthood made up of a
> > predesignated few of each Hebrew tribe) were and are still only allowed
> > marry of a close knit clan of certain people.  And for the record, six
> > months later,  from the course of Abia (June),  Mary had the same
> > experience,  she conceived....  except in her case,  she had "not known
> > man".  The rest of the story is history.
> >
> > It really isn't all that difficult to understand...
> >
> > Why do you think Christ said that he was a prophet who was not welcome
> > his own land?  Because the traditional Jews or those who say the are
> > but are not but are of the synagogue of satan...  (the Pharisees)
> > him of blasphemy and other "sacreligious" crimes against their religion,
> > because of Jesus' Jewish heritage.  THAT is why they had the right to
> > him killed or find a way to do it.
> >
> > eagle 1
> >
> > *********************************************
> > http://www.lambsheart.com
> > *********************************************
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, December 31, 1999 10:41 AM
> > Subject: Re: [CTRL] JESUS WAS JEWISH ?
> >
> > > -Caveat Lector-
> > >
> > > Mr. Tatman,  Man!  I'm really stupid when it comes to knowledge of the
> > > historical Jesus.
> > > Pray tell!  Want on earth is the person who posed the question:
> > > Was Jesus Jewish? trying to achieve?
> > > It's always been my belief that Jesus was born of a virgin and raised,
> > > together with four brothers and two sisters, by Joseph and Mary;  and
> > > that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus.  This, of course, is
> > > to the Catholic belief that Mary was in a state of 'perpetual'
> > > virginity.
> > > Bard
> > >
> > > "Tatman, Robert" wrote:
> > > >
> > > >  -Caveat Lector-
> > > >
> > > > FWIW, in Robert Graves's *King Jesus*, Mary Magdalene is portrayed
> > the
> > > > high priestess of Astarte/Asherah, who attempts to "educate" Jesus
> > the
> > > > reality behind the myths he has been taught. I'm not saying that
> > Graves's
> > > > depiction is necessarily accurate, but it presents an interesting
> > > > alternative to conventional scholarship.
> > > >
> > > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > > From: Tenorlove [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > > Sent: Friday, December 31, 1999 1:08 AM
> > > > > To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > Subject:      Re: [CTRL] JESUS WAS JEWISH ?
> > > > >
> > > > >  -Caveat Lector-
> > > > >
> > > > > As for Mary Magdalene, she is variously described in the Gospels
as "a
> > > > > sinner" and "out of whom went seven devils." Her hometown, Magdala
> > > > > Migdal, was the headquarters for an Astarte cult that had a
> > seven-stage
> > > > > initiation. Astarte's mascot, like MM's, was the dove. IF MM was a
> > > > > prostitute, it would have been in connection with the sacred
> > > > > prostitution which took place within the Astarte cult. If she were
> > > > > Astarte initiate, she would have been a sinner in the eyes of all
> > > > > of the Gospel writers. The prostitute tradition did not come about
> > > > > until the second century A.D.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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