-Caveat Lector-

How can you say that any discussion of Jesus does not involve Conspiracy
Obviously, because you do not understand the overall plan that was started
by the biggest conspiracy that ever took place,  and that was that LUCIFER
conspired to show himself as God,  per Isaiah 14:12-16.  To follow the story
from the Serpent in the garden, (which Serpent is merely a description of
the personna of this one;  for he was NOT a snake,  but rather one who casts
spells; and who was of exquisite beauty; and extremely deceptive in
verbages), ...  following to the last word of Revelation,  which shows the
rejuvenation,  renewal of this earth age to one without evil; it then
becomes very clear that this is definitely within the subject matter of
CONSPIRACY THEORY.  Some,  as yourself seem to consider the Bible merely
theory, fable and myth...  But there are many who do not.  Those who do
believe the Bible,  or those who have been misled may like to learn more
about the subject,  and some people like to understand more minute details
which are not directly conspiracy,  but are a part of the whole which
definitely includes the conspiracy overall.

I'm sorry if this steps on your toes, Tenebrous...
but I don't always agree with your interpretation of what conspiracy is, and
for the most part,  when I don't agree,  or what you throw out there as a
"conspiracy bone to chew" on,  I don't jump in there and inform you NOT to
do that,  but rather I make good use of my delete button,  as I would
suggest that you do the same if you do not like the conspiracy that is
implicated in the Bible discussions.  However,  I will agree that bashing is
senseless and wastes everyone's time and effort.

What you've said in essence is saying you're right and everyone who has a
belief in God, Jesus, the Bible,  is wrong.    The freedom and liberty of
speech hinges upon your own personal ability to tolerate other's opinions
and beliefs in order to practice your own,  even if you totally disagree.
When you start dictating what others can and cannot discuss verges upon
dictatorship and totalitarian beliefs, which I totally oppose, and I don't
mind telling you.

I would like to suggest a little more tolerance on your part,  of the broad
spectrum of subject matter that enters this group.

eagle 1

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 31, 1999 7:23 PM

> -Caveat Lector-
> I suspect that this particular thread is starting to develop into another
> Christian bashing personal row between some list members.  I would like to
> take this opportunity to step in and ask that everyone remember that there
> are to be no personal attacks on this list, stick to arguing positions
> upon evidence.  I will not tolerate an attacking of BELIEFS, or FAITH, and
> will not tolerate anyone moving toward a "my God is better than your God
> attitude", or preaching or proseletyzing the list with Dogma and
> denouncements for "unbelievers".  Ones beliefs, and the faith that one has
> that they are true and valid are strictly a personal matter and this is
not a
> forum where that is to be argued.  Consider. . . Do you BELIEVE that Jesus
> lived, died, and rose again and is your Lord, upon whom you are dependant
> your salvation or a life in the hereafter?  If your answer is yes to that
> then. . .if I were to say to you that there is no evidence that he lived,
> that Christians are fools, that he is a myth, that the bible is allegory,
> that there is absolutely no evidence that any of what you believe is true
> (whether any of the foregoing is accurate is for you to decide), would it
> change your BELIEF, or diminish your faith?  If so, reconsider your
> if not you see the point of why it is futile to argue on issues involving
> faith and belief, no argument accomplishes the purpose it is set to
> and one usually just lapses into name calling against proseletyzing.  NOW,
> having said all that, simply as a warning, there is nothing wrong with the
> discussion of religion as it crosses into Conspiracy Theory, and this
> has potential in that regard, so keep it on topic, and non-personal, and
> abide the list caveats.  Okay?!?!?!?  Thanks for your attention.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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