-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000306a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No dysfunctional relationships were enhanced to produce this bulletin.
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@ The Centre For The Easily Amused: http://www.amused.com/
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# SKULLS OF WISDOM. Ditton Wilson disappeared in August of 1996 during an
  investigation into the a group of caves and tunnels beneath Salt Lake
  City, Utah. Before his disappearance he produced the skulls, which he
  claimed came from an Alien grave-yard he had found in a giant cavern
  underneath the Cross-Roads Mall: http://www.srv.net/~bhw/interest.htm
@ Also - The Alien/LDS Connection: http://www.srv.net/~bhw/favorite.htm

: Are you Mormon/Alien/subterranean? Have you found many strange skulls in
caves/tunnels/bunkers under shopping centers? Do all shopping centers cover
alien cemeteries? Are all shopping-center developers in collusion with ETs?

@ NOTE TO THE PRESS: The govt of the US continues to rely on your personal
  and professional gullibility to suppress the information contained herein.
  Your cooperation over the past 40 years has exceeded OUR wildest expecta-
  tions and we salute you. The sun does not revolve around the Earth. The
  US Government has been in business with little gray extraterrestrials
  for about 20 years. http://www.xs4all.nl/~dannyvs/dulce-3.html
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# GENE SPLICING - How to create a life without sex. The US govt maintains
  that genetically modified crops are basically the same as traditional
  ones, not exotic new life forms. Activists say they represent unprece-
  dented attempts to interfere with Mother Nature. The truth lies some-
  where in between. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/990726/26dnab.htm

# Preserve Fertility By Egg-Freezing. Female cancer patients and other women
  at risk of losing their fertility because of medical treatments can now
  help preserve their childbearing options via a new egg-freezing program at
  Stanford. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/03/000306075837.htm

: Do you create/maintain/live/prefer life without sex? Is it cleaner? Have
you arranged for external reproduction yet? Do you have adequate hosts yet?

@ What mysterious factors make some marriages thrive and others explode into
  shards of acrimony & loneliness? http://linguafranca.com/0003/lovelab.html
@ WOMEN: Are you addicted to sex? The sex addict is someone who needs to
  have constant, unrelenting, continuous sexual gratification. See if you
  fit the profile: http://woman.iafrica.com/relationships/?src_id=tmp0407
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# DOTCOZA. In South Africa, a remarkable project to investigate if an indi-
  vidual can survive living only off the Net for three months. The person,
  called "dotcoza", will arrive in a house today, with only a bed, a compu-
  ter, Internet access, and clothes on his back - and survive without leav-
  ing the premises for the allotted time period. http://www.dotcoza.co.za

# World's population getting fatter - Reptoids will harvest us soon:

: Is Web-survival a form of abuse? Are we being conditioned for dependence
on the Web and similar remote/enmeshed systems, like chickens isolated in
their little prisons to lay eggs? Are you isolated? Do you need the eggs?

@ National Society of MicroSoft Haters: http://www.tradepage.co.za/nsmh/
@ Webgrrls of South Africa: http://www.webgrrls.co.za/
@ (SAICSIT) http://www.cs.unp.ac.za/saicsit/
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# Firefighters & UFO's - friends or foes? http://www.caus.org/hk030600.htm
# UFOs And The Unexplained In Saskatchewan. There have been thousands of
  sightings in Saskatchewan. Mostly in remote areas, farm land and Indian
  reservations. But some sightings have occurred in the cities of Saskatoon
  and Regina. Not just drunks: http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/~aa711/u.html
  http://duke.usask.ca/~fowlerr/u2.html  http://sightings.com/ufo6/sas.htm

@ REPTOYS. If we are to discover if our planet is being prepared for open
  contact by the unseen faces & whispered names of certain globalized broth-
  erhoods, we must keep a careful eye on the toy market to monitor what
  images our children are psychologically ingesting. From Barbie to Barney,
  what does the trend portend? http://www.reptoids.com/reptoys.htm
@ All Reptilioids, All The Time: http://www.reptoids.com/

: Have you been adequately prepared for alien contact? Doe aliens infiltrate
in the far North, in fire/rescue situations, in toy companies? Are the ETs
watching everything we do? Are birds descended from dinosaurs, thus Reptoid?

# 'Spy Hawk' Captured? NEW DELHI (Reuters) India's Border Security Force
  has caught a hawk allegedly used by Pakistan for spying purposes. Slated
  for routine torture: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000306/07/odd-hawk
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# Top Underground Author Banned From Radio Show As 'Too Conspiratorial!'
  Shunned by "Dreamland!" http://www.sauderzone.com Banished By Streiber &
  Art Bell!! Scandal! http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/tooconspiratorial.htm
# Proof Of Top Secret Underground Alien Vaults At Wright-Patterson AFB:

# Judge won't release Columbine tapes - the truth will never be known:
# Drug czar criticizes medical pot - not as good as Lebanese hashish:

: Have you covered-up anything lately? D'ya prefer to cover-up govt atrocit-
ies/conspiracies/collaborations/infiltrations? Have you been infiltrated by
aliens/agents/angels/assholes/authors? Are you well-drugged? Will you share?
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# Voice-activated Net developing. (AP) - Drivers yapping on their cellphones
  while cruising down the street is one thing. But how about checking email,
  getting stock quotes, even shopping online 'on the hoof?' Coming soon: new
  "voice portals" that let people using wireless gadgets navigate the World
  Wide Web by voice commands or even listen to e-mail messages being read to
  them: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2564764166-7a6

# France Wants Its Own Cyberspace Jargon. PARIS (Reuters) Appalled by the
  spread of English across the Internet, France has stepped up efforts to
  invent its own jargon to describe the rapidly changing world of cyberspace
  and e-commerce. Merde! http://news.excite.com/news/r/000306/07/odd-jargon

: Would you rather voice-cruise the Web in English, French, Japanese, Urdu,
Klingon, PigLatin, Cobol? Would you rather link telepathically with the Net?

# Low-tech tools come in handy for high-tech research. (U-WIRE) AMES, Iowa -
  Aluminum foil, Vaseline, paper clips, toothbrushes and sewing needles are
  normal objects to have around the house, but they are apparently often
  seen in labs, too. It works: http://news.excite.com/news/uw/000303/odd-17
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  "A bird in the hand may well be worth two in the bush.  But a bird in
   the bush never craps in your hand." -- http://www.SleazyTabloid.com

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.pitas.com * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/
* Fringes of: Science, Faith, Paranormal, Conspiracy, Sex, Dope, Art

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