That was an interesting series of quotations you posted.

I have published and read correspondence from archaeologists who have
been coerced to falsify data.  The particular case I have in mind is one
where fosilised evidence shows human mammoth hunting in central American
250,000 years ago.  Geological and carbon dating plus other dating
techniques ALL confirmed this.  The whole team were asked to omit or
falsify data to maintain funding.  One refused, she now lives hand to
mouth, the other team members who complied all hold good posts in various
universities.  This is NOT an isolated case.

Noone wants to stick their head out with contradictory data - it is
academic suicide.

Evolution through species is an obvious nonsense, placing more faith in
randomness, than Christians even place in God.
Similarly I am not happy with any existing religious explanations for
where life on Earth came from.

Assuming the two choices we are given, ie science or religion are both
incomplete (or downright wrong), we are only left with one alternative:

a)  life was seeded here either accidentally or deliberately by other
life forms from elsewhere in the omniverse (an omniverse being more than
one 'space-time continuum universe [multidimensional])

b)  many original lifeforms were (either accidentally or deliberately)
erased at various intervals (the 5 mass extinctions) and 'replaced' with
newer improved models.  Using the fossil record (remember also that
fossils happen as a result of sudden catastrophes, ie catastrophism) we
find NO transitional species, only complete unique lifeforms.

c)  i conclude that we started off with many more species and lifeforms
on this planet than we have now.  If the theory of evolution is wrong,
then this also means that the huge number of lifeforms present on Earth
right now are the 'left overs' of what was not removed during the mass
extinctions.  All life on Earth may well be just 5-10% of what was
orginally 'put' here.  Given mass extinctions, asteroid impacts, climatic
change, ice ages, solar flares, diseases, interbreeding,  wars,
earthchanges and the like, I'd say we would be lucky to have even 10% of
the original number of varieties.

The question now is whether life on Earth is a result of accidental
contamination, or deliberate germination.

And that just applies to physicality.  How does one explain intellect,
emotions, spiritual experiences, psychic experiences etc via a
evolutionary process?

Conspiracy theories are flourishing in this void of understanding our

Creationists conspired to suppress scientists.
Scientists now conspire to suppress information that contradicts its own
dogmas.   Anomalous and contradictory information should be used to
further our understanding of life, not hidden away to protect vested
academic and financial interests.

Maybe it is time to listen to the records of the indigenous cultures of
this planet.  They ALL basically say the same thing.
1)  Beings from the stars came here and created us/interbred with us
2)  We had advanced civilisations in our distant past
3)  We have had regular sudden catastrophes which have reshaped the face
of our Earth, causing civilisations to disappear completely, and restart

What is so silly with the above scenario - it fits ALL the existing and
the suppressed information that we know of?

Holiday wishes to you all


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381      ICQ#62399259

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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