'What's the Dif'?  Perhaps there's a library in your town, you might
avail yourself of its facilities, and educate yourself somewhat in these

It's not true that the Baptists molested all those young girls in that town.

No, the priests and nuns do not sleep together.

It's a lie that they found all those newborn babies buried in the
    Catholic Convent basement...........

WHEN will the numbskulls who write this garbage EVER LEARN----?
And when will the fools who read it and believe it realize that these psychotics
are sick, and are doing these things simply to divide Americans any way
they can.

This supposed female viscously lies in her pitiful quotation of the "ritual."
"She" hasn't a clue about which "she" speaks.
"Her" husband running off after one month says alot about her role as a
wife and woman.

Yes, "David" is a truth teller all right - and so is "Name Withheld."
A most credible witness, to air "her" dirty laundry, in a venue such
as this, anonymously.  What a heroic American.

Friends, don't fall for this hogwash.  It's junk.  Concentrate on our
real problems.

William Shannon wrote:



I have been reading the articles about the Mormon church on David's site and
I just wanted to tell you that you are definitely on the right track. I was
raised Mormon here in Fairbanks, Alaska. I was married in the Salt Lake
Temple in April 1980.

The ceremonies, word for word, were exactly the same as the Masonic rituals.
I especially was disgusted by the part of the ritual where I was told that my
husband would have to "bring me into heaven" - I could not get there by
myself, no matter how good I was. My husband ran off with an underage hooker
one month after we returned from the temple, and informed me that I must
remain married to him, because he wanted to be able to "get some" from me any
time he was bored with the hooker.

The church told me, when I complained to them, that I must do as he said, and
that I could not divorce him. Well, I knew where the court house was, so I
got my divorce, anyway and left the church in the dust.

Since that time, I have investigated several organized religions, and have
decided that I am a spiritual person, but not a religious one. Tell David to
keep on telling the truth!

Name withheld

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