On Mon, Jul 02, 2012 at 09:46:04PM +0100, Aaron Sloman wrote:

> > New to the list, long-time CTWM addict^H^H^H^H^Huser,
> > wondering if I'm the last one on the planet.
> I don't know if anyone else replied to you but you are not.

 Definetly. Most interesting reply. I've been using ctwm since
 the early 1990ies, now, and I'm damned if I am switching.

 As you point out in your little article, neither Gnome nor
 KDE even approach the flexibility I want from the desktop
 I spend so many hours using each day.


 And, yes. Of course the window border turn bright red on
 (auto) focus :)

 One day I'll write up a blogpost on exactly WHY I find the others so
 absolutely useless for anything but the most simple of tasks.

 I have, for example, not even bothered finding out how to replicate
 my favourite shortcut: shift-alt-[hjkl] for shifting between the
 main desktops, or the oldie but goldie ctrl-[right|left]-mouse for
 resize and move respectively.

 Not giving ctwm up until they pry it from my cold, dead harddrive.'

 My ONLY problem is finding out why Firefox and VirtualBox both
 crash the wm :(

 Tina Holmboe            Greytower Technologies          www.greytower.net
  CEO                    Quality and Accessibility       www.sitesifter.co.uk

  blog.greytower.net     www.twitter.com/GreytowerTech 

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