On Mon, 2 Jul 2012 23:04:10 +0200
Tina Holmboe <t...@greytower.net> wrote:
| On Mon, Jul 02, 2012 at 09:46:04PM +0100, Aaron Sloman wrote:
| > > New to the list, long-time CTWM addict^H^H^H^H^Huser,
| > > wondering if I'm the last one on the planet.
| > 
| > I don't know if anyone else replied to you but you are not.
|  Definetly. Most interesting reply. I've been using ctwm since
|  the early 1990ies, now, and I'm damned if I am switching.
|  As you point out in your little article, neither Gnome nor
|  KDE even approach the flexibility I want from the desktop
|  I spend so many hours using each day.
|    http://www.fogdo.net/ctwm.png
|  And, yes. Of course the window border turn bright red on
|  (auto) focus :)
|  One day I'll write up a blogpost on exactly WHY I find the others so
|  absolutely useless for anything but the most simple of tasks.
|  I have, for example, not even bothered finding out how to replicate
|  my favourite shortcut: shift-alt-[hjkl] for shifting between the
|  main desktops, or the oldie but goldie ctrl-[right|left]-mouse for
|  resize and move respectively.
|  Not giving ctwm up until they pry it from my cold, dead harddrive.'
|  My ONLY problem is finding out why Firefox and VirtualBox both
|  crash the wm :(

I felt the same way, but the interaction with the newer appliacations
started to become just too painful.

Many CTwm users switched to Openbox, so eventually switched. I even
managed to get most of the look at feel I had in my CTWM moved over
into a OpenBox Theme.

The big point of Openbox is that much of the same style of event
handling control you have in CTwm (and traditional WM's) is available.
I can reprogram various buttons and keys to do what I want, rather than
what the developers 'think' I want.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )    <a.thys...@griffith.edu.au>
   When I became a man I put away childish things, including
   the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
                                                    -- C.S. Lewis
   Anthony's Castle     http://www.ict.griffith.edu.au/anthony/

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