Dear CWE-LUGers,

ByteWorks does not mind sharing its space with your group, so you can
have your monthly meetings there.

We do have a problem, though, when there is equipment left out on the
work bench, very clearly labeled "DO NOT TOUCH THIS!!!" ... and someone
decides to move it all anyway, and stack the equipment in a pile with
like stuff.

It meant a very difficult time for the volunteer who was trying to get
cloning to work with a Windows XP image -- for one thing, since the
computer he was working on got stacked back in a pile, he had no way of
finding out which machine held the master image.  Very NOT COOL.

So please, respect our work place.  Sometimes we don't get a project
completed on a Saturday, so we will leave things out in place on the
work bench, to come back to at a later time.  Hopefully we label
things ... sometimes we forget.

But please, *especially* if something is labeled, LEAVE IT ALONE!

Many thanks,

(on behalf of the ByteWorks volunteers)

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