On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 22:54 -0600, Robert Citek wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Theresa Kehoe <t...@cablemo.net> wrote:
> > Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Nothing but the obvious: time to get a new drive. - Robert

I was looking for the less obvious .. a 500GB SATA drive, still under
warranty, no particular reason it should physically fail just now.

I did finally get it "recognized" as an external device with errors ...
tried running e2fsck on it.  It ran for a long time, then re-ran, but
now it gets to one point and seems to freeze and not go any further.  If
you mount the drive, it all has I/O errors, and most of the directories
(like /home) are not even visible.

Beating a dead horse?


> > 

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