From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The matter of Anne Pearston's emotional motivation for
the very effective campaigning she's done remains

I'm writing today to the Countryside Alliance about a
story I've heard from Labour Party sources that the
foxhunting issue is being called "The War of Foster's
Cat" in Parliament.(Ever heard of the US/UK "War of
Jenkin's Ear"?) The allegation is that Mike Foster's
family cat was killed by a pack of foxhounds.

Anne Pearston, Sean Connery, Mike Foster - all are
heavily emotionally-motivated. Makes great
campaigners. Very difficult to combat with amateur
campaigners who think a rational argument is an
effective one and keep getting steamrollered.

Norman Bassett
I did okay against Tony Hill.  You need more than
rational arguments you need the absolute facts and
be able to quote them chapter and verse, then they
look very silly.  For example one of Tony Hill's
arguments was that the licensing system was too lax
and that even if the police turned an applicant down
the courts would overturn their decision on appeal.

So in response I quoted the Scottish Office statistics
that out of 60 appeals in the three years prior
only 3 had been successful, a success rate of only 5%.

The look on his face as his jaw dropped is one of
my favourite memories.  I had basically committed
the HAC report on handguns to memory.

However, it's very easy with emotional arguments to
corner them.  For example, I asked him why would a
handgun ban be great.  So he reeled off all the reasons
why, many of which were barmy purely on the face of it.

Follow-up question, "What other bans have been successful?"
Answer: "Lots of bans have been successful."
Follow-up: "Such as?"

Followed by at least 30 seconds of total silence until I
started speaking again while he profusely sweated.

At that point I had won the argument.


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