From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I've spoken to several journalists over the years,
>from all the major papers and Channel 4 and the BBC,
>and as soon as you tell them what the truth actually
>is they fall into a coma and at best you stop them
>from running the story.


        Maybe you need to ignite their imagination?
        If the liars who are the fronts for the legislation
that has been passed were made to actually stand up
and defend their words with actual facts that can be
applied to each and every shooter who has done no
harm to anyone . . . It seems to me that if you were to
be invited to a program which was sponsored by one of
the news media that was constantly in support of the
antis view, and if you could manage to expose the fact
that none of the laws had accomplished any of the
supposed benefits promised beforehand,

        But to get there from where you are now is
going to be a challenge, simply because the ones with the
agenda don't want a different perception getting out.
        So far, it is only the GCN et. al., perceptions
that are being heard; and as you stated previously,
Pearston is seemingly always at hand with a ready
remark or comment - ever incendiary.
        Okay, then that means you need at least two
other pro-freedom people who are equally as ready and
just as versed in Pearston's arguments so as to effectively
disarm her position, and be just as incendiary.
        And, BTW, if you shooters want to be seen as a
balanced lot, it behooves you to have as many women as
speakers as you can muster.
        Pearston would be just flabbergasted to have to
come up against another woman who was a more than
her match.
        Chances are she would avoid every open debate
in order to forestall her loss in a public forum.
        But that only means that your women shooters
must be making press releases on a daily basis, going to
the various media outlets and hounding them in the same
fashion as Pearston, since she has set the tone, let here live
with the results of it.
        If it takes just getting motivated, I have a feeling
that there are some really well qualified speakers who shoot,
and who are of the fairer sex over yonder in Britain.
        If the media is hounded on a daily basis by the
rest of you in support of your women spokespeople, who
are making every attempt to get an open debate on the issue
going between them and Pearston, and if Pearston isn't talking,
then you raise the level of the anti a whole measure higher
by making it one of the daily things you do: call/write/e-mail
the media and demand a showdown - since it is the media
that made Pearston their bloody hero.

        Sooner or later their house of cards is going to
collapse -- please try to make it happen sooner.

I don't think you realise the situation here, who is that
idiot who presents for Channel 4 news?  John Simpson?  He
is as anti-gun as they come.  I had a real fight on my
hands to stop them from running some idiotic story a few
years back.  Journalism isn't about reporting the news, it's
about increasing ratings or selling more newspapers.

They're not vaguely interested in "fair" or the "truth",
IMO.  At best they are crusaders for what they think is
"right", just like politicians really, so maintaining
the status quo is the furthest thing from their minds.

You can succeed with local papers and local TV but our
TV is not like in the US where you have lots of local
stations, they're nearly all national.  They do have
local news so it is possible to get something pro-gun
on if you try hard enough, but expecting the BBC to give
a semblance of fairness to this issue is a joke.

I mean I was only just watching Jack Straw attempting to
explain why 5,000 extra police officers actually means
2,500 less.  I sit and watch breathlessly for the
questioner to point out L100 million was spent on banning
handguns and at least four times as many people have been
murdered with them since the ban as were murdered at
Dunblane.  But they don't ask the question because the
journalists are just as anti as everyone else.

However, having said all that, we do need some spokespeople
on call.  You need to be listed in Who's who and have
some decent PR done to get in the journalist's filofaxes,
at least then you get to have a soundbite in the middle
of a pile of anti-gun dross.  Michael Yardley seemed to
be the man of choice but he seems to have fallen off the
radar scope of late.


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