From:   "Jeff Wood", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve's account of how he floored Tony Hill by asking him
for an example of a successful ban was most satisfying,
if that's the way to describe a hearty cackle.

Just in case the antis have thought up a reply to the
question, can anyone supply an answer, with the inevitable
ifs and buts?

Yours sincerely

Jeff Wood

Public PGP Key at: ldap://
You don't need to with these people, it's basic psychology.

Their argument is all kneejerk emotion, so you can floor
them with their own strategy.  If you ask someone in the
street for an example of something that is banned, 99%
will say "drugs".  If you ask them if the ban is effective,
most of them will say "no", because it has been drilled
into them via TV and the news and dramas and so on that
drugs are readily available (and a pretty fair proportion
of people you will ask will have tried them).

That's how these people think, kneejerk, kneejerk,
kneejerk.  I knew that the first thing that would come
into his head was drugs when I asked that question.

Emotional arguments don't work in debates unless the
person you're debating is pretty hopeless at debating.


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