From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I'll wager none of you gentleman has ever paunched a fox, nor handled
>its flesh, else you wouldn't suggest anyone eats it.  The flesh of a fox
>is as dark as that of a hare, but it smells as bad as the fox itself.
>It is a rich meat, compared to the delicate flesh of a rabbit, and my
>old redtailed hawk loved it.  The foxes were worth shooting just to feed
>the hawl a rich diet through the summer moult, if for no other reason.
>--Jonathan Spencer, firearms examiner

        Steve, & Jonathan,

        I spent the better part of two hours 'cruising' the net
looking for leads on the consuming of 'fox meat', and I'm here to
say that it is done. It will take me a day or two to sift through the
pertinent sites to assemble the list -- if you are really interested.
        Now, whether fox meat is tasty or otherwise, is a matter
to be determined. I tend to think that it might require a bit of curing
time, not unlike elk, wild goose, duck, bear, and some other animals.
        And, as with those animals, spice -- in large quantities --
might be more the rule than the exception.


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