From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From:   "Alex Hamilton", INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, what is the attraction of .50 cal?  Very good for long range
sniping? Is that a sport?

Hunting of game and vermin I understand.  I also recognise and accept
target shooting.  I am also in favour of the  concept of legal
preparedness for self-defence.

Where does 50 cal fit in any of these?

Thank you Alex.

I guess that as my hobby is outside of your personal comfort zone it needs
to be trashed.

It was "thinking" souls like you who agreed readily that semi-auto rifles
had no "proper" use (as did the Deer Society, Bisley gravel-bellies etc)

I lost my HK G3 following that display of comrade support.

Then the pistols came up for trashing.  Again the limp-wristed, "lets
appease the Government" brigade said lets ban them.

So again, I lost my pistols, and another segment of my hobby ended

Now, with your selfish, inwardly looking righteous support, you would have
me lose another element of my hobby.

Just when will you be happy to stop trashing, legal, legitimate sports??

What do the 50cal shooters do??

In the UK we have about 5 or 6 shoots per year, out to 1,200m.  There is a
yearly shoot in Switzerland, and dozens in the USA each year.  Your sneer at
"sniping" (with the intended nasty connotations) is in reality the ability
to improve the techniques of shooting, firearm design, ammunition loading,
and ability to read the environment, to try and beat the current 5 shot
World 50cal Record of 2-5/8 inch at 1,000yds

That's what my hobby is about, so instead of supporting the latest ban from
the ACPO why don't you get on and support ALL shooters, as no doubt when its
your turn to lose your element of shooting, you will want (AND, DESPITE YOUR

Tom C

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