From:   "Tom Charnock", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh how reasonable a reply.  But I have seen very similar ones from those
defending their "self-actions" on the previous bans ie the NRA , and the
Deer Society, and the many other self-interest groups who junked someone
else's sport to help them keep their own.

Just for interest ask the NRA for a copy of their submission to the Home
Office on 50cal shooting, that sells it out too.  Seems they looking to add
a new power limit, much closer to 308 for all shooting on Bisley.

For me, your reply does not cut any ice, and it concerns me that you spend
so much time "lobbying" for gun interests (yours no doubt).  It would be too
much to hope that it is for ALL SHOOTING Sports, and not just the ones that
you, Mr Hamilton approve of.

You have taken up Gallery Rifle, oh that new sport with not so many
shooters, using what the ACPO would love to see set aside, those high
capacity lever actions,  mmmmh.

Yes, I could be uncomplimentary about YOUR sport, though I could not taint
it so foully with the dubious mention of "sniping", though you so
ungenerously spotlight my 50cal shooting sport with it.

There are over 40 shooters of 50/55 cal rifles in private ownership, and
use, here in the UK.  It is NOT a "new" sport, the guns have been about, and
shot regularly since WWII (Boyes).  The technical change to 50BMG was by
ordinary shooters, to enhance long range target shooting, which after the
civilians mastered it, the military came along for their use.  The last UK
shoot (FEB 2001) had over 20 shooters present and 3 of the 4 UK
privately-owned Barrett rifles present.  The busiest shoot last year had
over 35 shooters present.  WE are a group of dedicated shooters, we have
spent a small fortune on our rifles (up to £6,000) and every time you pull
the trigger that's at least another £2.  We have to shoot in the week, so
losing a days pay (this to fit in with military ranges use).  We have
occasional visits from special branch, and get heaps of bleatings from our
local Firearms Officers.

We can now add to that the whining of (supposedly) fellow shooters, looking
to appease the ACPO with this years sacrifice of someone else's special
interest, and all based upon a person who has never seen a 50 used, nor
understands what its about.

If that is the basis for your lobbying, then maybe its you that will do
worst for shooting.


PS  the ACPO really doesn't have to do anything, they can leave it to the
shooters to sell each other out.  If this was an Olympic sport then we have
a BAG-FULL of Golds

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